
Google Earth

There are some plane tracking softwares around. Why not show the planes in google earth.

It would be impressive to see what's going on in a certain region of the world.
Google Earth or map.search.ch

map.search.ch has more valuable information than google or msn or whatever. Thank you very much. A very good tool.

What I want is the ability when I see the pharmacy and move the mouse over it it should be highlighted and then when I click. Give me a picture of the building/store it's in.

The opening hours, the telefone number and where to park your car (for the least money).
Google Earth

I have learned of the technique to attach photos to certain places instead of showing them in the seperate window. GREAT FEATURE!!!

The next step is to incorporate still images from the webcams directly and even more advanced, add also the live streaming of certain cameras (Use proxies/caches throughout the world). UC Berkeley has some I think (couple of years ago they did).

So for example in San Francisco I should see some live street action combined with the static imagery. Live traffic views at the right places.
What I really want:

I want to be able to surf the earth. I want to be able to fly through London, Paris, Kopenhagen, Peking, San Francisco and Vancouver.

Buildings in Google Earth are a first step. No good really. What about the texture.

Project The Sim World

If I am able to get some time I would try to create software that alows you to take a photo with your camera and it will be applied to the building. It's not necessary to catch the hole building and the software should automatically patchwork all sorts of photos to create what's there.

e.g. Go home take a picture of your house or condo, maybe only the top right corner, maybe there is a tree on the photo as well. Either you specify it's exact location through zooming and clicking or use on of the photo gps techniques I saw on the web.

Then the software would create the building, from as much information it can come up. Shure you can give in some measures. But as more pictures depict the region maybe in correlation with the buildings in the area and the satelite images.

Take another picture and the building starts to get better and better.

But what's more is that the software shall create first a standard building. Remove all color differences. Build the building. That's the first thing to do.

Then take all pictures into account and create sunset and sunrise, dawn, sunny day, clouded day, rain. Even all seasons.

Then I should be able to fly through the cities with a kind of a timelapse setting, that 24 hours are maybe 2 minutes or set the time to dawn.
Google Earth the future:

moon.google.com was a nice try. But I want our solar system to pop up in google earth. Give me venus, pluto and all the rest. Then apply some NASA pictures to them.
Google Earth

Thank you Google for releasing this superb tool.

I spent a couple weeks exploring and am now very disappointed because of all the limitations. I am allways wanting more.

Give me house numbers. Better detail for whole lot more regions.

What about unrealistic heights. I don't want to see the mountains always in the correct height relation. San Francisco looks really flat.