
I just had my first experience with Windows Vista Ultimate Edition Beta 2.

What's my opinion? Windows Xp Version 2.

Revolutionary? Not yet found.

Nice Feature? ALT-TAB with pictures.

I first upgraded my company notebook. Migration went through but a lot of things were not correctly installed and a lot of things went bad. DVD-Burner did not work at all.

2nd installation from scratch. Now everything works. Even the biometric processor has been installed (only with windows update)


When I plug in a logitech pilot optical mouse (usb) I cannot click on a lot of buttons. They are not clicked. I had to use Tab and Space. Unplug mouse and restart and everything was ok again.


Nomadix AG3000

As of Friday I own a AG3000 and just configured the network interface.

The web interface looks antiquated but we'll see later


I managed to get Skype on the X51v working again. I hope that apple with its LCD pixel integrated camera is sucessfull and that in the not so far future I can talk with video and the screen is also the camera.

Now that would be something.

X51V has a built-in bluetooth device and I used it with sony ericsson's headset. That was not bad. But sometimes I believe that the bluetooth and wlan devices interfere and sound quality droped quite often.
Well, I have to admit, the iPod 30GB with Video failed my expectations and I am trying to sell it through one of the auctioning sites.

The iPod certainly has potential but it is not yet where I need it to be. It just wasn't that useful.

I am trying to make do with my DELL Axim X51v. I took it from where it was hidden and am trying to get it to do something useful. Wireless Network Sniffing and more.


Freakonomics Buch organisieren

Update: 15.05.2006

Buch über Amazon bestellt und dabei festgestellt !!!!!!!! ACHTUNG WICHTIG !!!!!!!

Man kann bei Amazon jetzt auch Bücher aus den second hand shops der USA kaufen. So konnte ich ein Buch für 5 Euro + 3 Euro Porto aus den USA bekommen, wo ich sonst über 20 Euro hätte hinblättern müssen.

Normalerweise gehe ich über amazon.com, doch dort sind die Portospesen viel höher!!!!

Danke, danke, danke, danke.