
Word: Copy only highlighted lines from a document

Many times you have to highlight some parts of a document and then you might want to copy only the highlighted passages or full lines to somewhere else. - Use Advanced Find (CTRL-H) - Format -> Highlight - Find in -> Main Document - Right click one of the highlighted passages or lines (be very careful not to click somewhere else, otherwise you have to repeatthe previous step. and select Copy. Now you have only these in the clipboard and can be pasted where supported.

Word 2013: How to demote multiple entries and subentries?

Use Navigation pane and then right click and demote. If you use the increase indent icon then it will only do the change on a single entry.


Fortinet: Forticloud logging issue with different providers. They should provide an alternative upload or pull mechanism.

Forticloud is a cool concept and is something I like to make use of, except that Fortinet seems to have issue with a few scenarios where you think you should not run into any issue. Internet access seems to be unblocked. Forticloud can actually manage your device and you'll see cpu and memory usage. No logs appear in the cloud. I have spent considerable amount of time troubleshooting this issue and have not found the root cause, the IPS says they do not filter, our 1st level cisco router does NAT and ZONE based firewalling with an any allow rule outbound. Have not been able to completely understand the process, there are a few commands that I learned while with support but how these different servers interact and which protocols must work is still unclear. BTW: ICMP and TCP connections work. There is a blog article from Boll Engineering: https://blog.boll.ch/?p=2364 That talks about that a new default setting of a providers business internet filters out tcp/514 as it is thought of rsh. Fortinet should include an alternative way for this situation, as it seems to be more common. Either a pull, or push (maybe over the management connection), maybe hiding behind tcp/443.


Fortinet: How can you view the decrypted passwords in a config? (Open)

Once in a while you configure a device with some passwords for HA, pre-shared keys and more and you did not correctly apply the passwords that you did generate before actually configuring the device. But it's running and then you need to know what it is. With Fortinet I do not understand how to view the configuration with the passwords in clear. With Cisco you can just run a more startup-config (with either flash:/ or disk:/ prefix).
