
itunes (iCloud) purchased music appears

I was just able to get to the section purchased with Music, not only apps and books as the last hours.

It works for US store. The others don't show it yet.

New iBooks 1.3 (394) out, it's fast! Cover pages still not working for many documents

I have about 600 pdfs and 100 books and iBooks is a decent program. (pdf annotations needed desperately!)

the new version that came out today is really nice. I have made some full page scans of some color documents that I have not in another format (learning material and 1980s computer magazines).

And iBooks just got a whole lot faster. It's still far from being perfect but now the pages load very quickly with a lot of fuzziness which gets clear within a fraction of a second. Still to slow to be really good but better than before. Zooming in on secitons is quite bad as it takes much longer for the borders to get sharp. The center is quite quick at becoming sharp but the border, sometimes small sometimes 1/5th or the page is unsharp. Moving around is also not good since it gives you kind of a google maps feeling where parts and pieces at different places look distorted.

iBooks could still improve and I wait to the time where they will be preloading the next page, like acdsee did to pictures when you wanted to quickly skim ahead. As I always do. A little algorithm would do the trick. (forward and backward please).


I have not found a way to easily predict if my documents will show the first page correctly as cover or not. I have not yet had time to find a way to correct the pdfs so that the covers get displayed correctly. I really hate the standard text display if it fails to display the cover. But even worse are the white pages, i.e. little black spots on large white canvas.

Apple still rocks. Nobody has been able to come up with such a mass of all encompassing software.

I really would love to see them reward the people that come of with the stuff and not just steal, copy use it. They should buy the intelectual property of the real inventors and create nice videos where those people tell their story and how they did it.

Kind of like do good not evil, even if the motto is from the G company that has failed to provide really amazing stuff for a long time now.


Update on iPad2 and Smart Cover - $400 to replace

I dropped my iPad2 by accident. I was able to catch it but only got hold of the smart cover and this parted from the iPad2 just as if it was not attached. The iPad hit the floor the smart cover was save in my hands.

The glass of the iPad splintered and I was devastated.

Did I mention that the screen has a backlight bleeding issue and that I wanted to return it? Too late.

I called support, paid around $400 and had a repaired iPad2 within 4 days. Thank good that I had not to pay the full price.

But I blame the smart cover. With my old iPad and the original cover this could not have happened at all.

After that it was clear that the smart cover has to go. I have a case open with Apple because the smart cover scratches the ipad and leaves scratches on metal. The case does not go anywhere, apple refuses to acknowledge that they did a mistake. Just look at the many people complaining. BTW it is right that it might start as early as one or 2 days of using it to start get some black spots.

I was checking out about 30 covers even some really fancy ones from ozaki but in the end I had to admit that I was looking for something only the smart cover can give me.

The only choice left was to buy Belkin snap case that fits nicely, does not add enough weight and is a good by. Apple should have added something like this. It's a little milky, i.e. the back of the iPad2 shows through nicely.

In the last 2 weeks I replaced the belkin case because I already had a crack in on of the corners caused by something I don't even remember.

People protect your iPads.

Also I did not mention that this new iPad2 also has backlight bleeding. I always notice it while watching movies. I though lcd projectors had an issue only with no perfect black.