
Original Unix HATERS Handbook Barf Bag almost used

I'm in possession of the original The unix haters handbook and even more important of the one and only Unix Barf Bag.

Today I almost had to use it.

But then I thought the better of it and plainly refused to accept the fact that I never will bend to the will of Unix!!!!

This after a few failed installations of Ubuntu Server 11.10 (there are some bugs/features in the installer) and failed attempts to get a small server installations of debian and plain refusal to use cent os again.

After 20 years of exposure to Unix and Linux I still cannot cope with it. They made a big mess and never cleaned up.

Why o why will I never learn all the flavors of Linux and have enough storage and access capability to work with whatever is thrown at me.

Well I get old, since I crave for my old slackware 1.01.

I don't give up and someday I'll master the Linux World and whatever they throw at me.

In the meantime I have to decide which linux to use for all my current plans:

- gentoo
- debian
- ubuntu
- centos

I don't like suse, maybe because they have yast. Actually I don't like all of them. Just give me a plain vanilla linux that is for business use, with the easiest setup, best doc, updated packages.

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