Mac OS X: Change file association (for all not just single document) of a specific type
FWSM: Deny inbound (No xlate) -> check that the security level is not equal on both interfaces
On the FWSM per default all communications between 2 interfaces with the same security level are denied.
And you will see the message, which is quite misleading:
Error Message %FWSM-3-106011: Deny inbound (No xlate) string
Explanation The message will appear under normal traffic conditions if there are internal users that are accessing the Internet through a web browser. This message will appear any time a connection is reset, when the host at the end of the connection sends a packet after the security appliance receives the reset. It can typically be ignored.
Recommended Action Prevent this syslog message from getting logged to the syslog server by entering the no logging message 106011 command.
You could just allow communication using the same-security level under or as I prefer, set a different security-level per interface.
And you will see the message, which is quite misleading:
Error Message %FWSM-3-106011: Deny inbound (No xlate) string
Explanation The message will appear under normal traffic conditions if there are internal users that are accessing the Internet through a web browser. This message will appear any time a connection is reset, when the host at the end of the connection sends a packet after the security appliance receives the reset. It can typically be ignored.
Recommended Action Prevent this syslog message from getting logged to the syslog server by entering the no logging message 106011 command.
You could just allow communication using the same-security level under or as I prefer, set a different security-level per interface.
Google Reader R.I.P and why they should get rid of the rest of the pack
Is there really a reason, why we should keep any of the other services google offers besides search?
I think they got it all wrong.
No, that's not it.
Now this is what I'm talking about.
(The only thing you shall ever see and start with, nothing else matters. I really believe that removing also the last 2 pieces is an option that should be configurable for the human user. Most probably it has to go since we will not be bound to a single interface or display of whatever sorts, but just being here and react in the way I that I could actually make the best use of. E.g. I have about 12 devices surrounding me that could be the receiving end to my wishes (TV, iMac, MacBook, some Notebook, a few mobile phones, fixed-line phone, digital camera, logitech bluetooth speaker, logitech sound system, AppleTv, iPod(s) ...)
(Did I mention that I want to open the first google office in my neighborhood and really do groundbreaking work in knowledge management and give part of the people what they want, even though most of them don't and won't realize this. It would be the most revolutionary work environment with all things going crazy, I would even use the local 10'000 people as the testbed and then expand to cover the next 1.5 million and then the world (kind a like of Pinky and the Brain

, no really!, I think with the right mentor it could work and the google team could have an impact on the world! ;))
As always I want everything now and don't want to wait another 20 years before they think they got it right.
Or why do I still feel the same way as I felt when I was working with my first palm pilot?
I'm trapped, for almost 20 years and more we use the same technology and were still in the early precambrian, might be the at the beginning of hadean. My clock is ticking and boy do I want to see the next era. Not just a couple of hundred million evolution cycles. Come on, an e-Ink eReader or a iPhone is nothing else that just a couple cycles in the evolution of the same.
But it is clear that none of the Google products really have a future.
This is so simple and beautiful; does not distract; feels at home; you're welcome; go ahead and do whatever you need to do. I'm there for you.
Because the simple search that delivered THE results was the key to success. Everything else has to go. All attempts to steer away from this will ultimately fail.
Slowly they are learning, sometimes the hard way. But they are trying to fix things and get rid of the unnecessary baggage which you really have to thank them for. They make our lives easier with this and remove the clutter.
You'll see that they start to incorporate our other senses into their want to serve us. We can talk now, throw pictures at them.
There is no need for an icon to tell me that I can speak now.
Soon you'll be thinking of things, hovering over items with your eyes, coughing to it, showing it your eye and it'll determine that you have a grey star, measuring the body temperature from pictures the cam takes, sizing you up. Finally using deep neural networks and their future compatriots to really do the trick and not just keeping a stick straight up on an old typewriter ;))
I understand that they need the labs (where I would like to get old) and buy other peoples projects and ultimately erase everything and gobble something up that really belonged to search in the first place. That's evolution. We have to see and understand to be able to improve and evolve. Or not and just let nature take care.
But that's not all: The Internet is 99,99% full of crap, even search is today not capable to provide the quality information to the desired level of information one needs. Pick any subject of which you have never ever heard anything before and try to learn something in less than a minute and be confident that the info provided is above average quality. There are gazillions of examples that I could come up with, where search fails today but will not tomorrow. I would like to see an automatic rating system, with some additional personal preference list, based on texts that I read before and would like to consult or count in on the next time. So for example Steven Levy, which I tend to read.
search is the ultimate answer (approximately 41.9999, maybe 42 we'll see), there's no need for anything else, but constant improvements to such things as Now, Real-time, my own information returned in searches etc. and a dynamic system in which one can freely roam around and always come back.
So every time google decides to kill a product we shall rejoice because we might be one or multiple steps going into the future direction of search. Hopefully at an increasing rate.
So here's to Google Reader:
My daily companion for many years, almost always there for me to provide me with the great insight to all and beyond, consumed over all imaginable devices and programs almost 24 by seven. It's time to say goodbye and may your DNA be the basis of the future search, that will finally bring all together.
Why? The flood of content on the internet is unbearable, there is no automatic aggregator, even considering foreign language sources, no rating system, no visualization over time, but it's desperately needed, since we have now billions of information sources all reporting about the same. Most should not even report since they don't add anything of value and should be considered spam. Search shall provide me the means to live a healthier live, only reading the condensed news and articles that really contain or add value.
Most of the products have no future, like
, on which I write this entry. It's prehistoric, it should've gone a long time ago, it is so out of fashion, still cannot drag and drop pictures into the composing area, having to type in some nondescript serif font that I hate, looking at a screen that is not really optimized, having a lot of icons I never clicked, all distracting the pureness of writing this blog entry.
Why can I not just start typing at search and it'll be an entry to my online being, that I then can use in whatever way pleases me. The only thing you cannot take away from me is the Google logo and the new search field. Where if it pleases me I can ask to have a word in bold, change the font temporarily, switch off the screen, look up a phrasal verb definition, grab some image that if selected will be directly integrated into my entry (not calling it blog anymore). I can then command a million blogs and target the audience without having to have circles from somewhere else.
Visualization is crucial to most of us that have visual sight, so why not let me choose to view everything in the different models there are. Show me all in a linked map, display everything in an endless calendar, whatever format the calendar be, allow me to limit or expand in any direction, let me be the creator of my own world based on some initial models. There are endless things that can be achieved and all starts at search.
Lately Google has added some to search but many things still are feeling very unnatural to start with and won't let you expand from where you come but direct you to the ultimate doom which is having a hundred or more tabs/windows open and never actually allowing us to retrace back to where we started.
To Google, stay focused, deliver the ultimate, get rid of everything but search.
The products that have to go and soon:
(don't have the time for all, so please fill in some details for each product of Google, i.e. help me finish this list):
Has been doomed from the beginning, there is no real sense to try to keep the old technology alive, why should I care if I reach somebody over email, or IRC, chat, messenger, even over snail mail.
Wouldn't it be cool to write a message, from search, to my grandmother and it will let me choose to send it at a cost of $1, which will get printed and delivered to her mailbox.
Doomed, some features seem to creep into search and once they recognize that all of it must go it'll end quickly.
google docs
Already gone, no?
Chrome OS
Doomed, but could be the start of search (will not call it search OS).
Doomed from the beginning, together with Chrome will be assimilated into search.
Please continue and update this list a somewhat ok start is here:
This is version 0.1 of this blog entry. It's late, too late and I could still continue on forever. But my younger son will appreciate it if I bring him to bed, instead of letting hime sleep on the couch.
I think they got it all wrong.
No, that's not it.
Now this is what I'm talking about.
(The only thing you shall ever see and start with, nothing else matters. I really believe that removing also the last 2 pieces is an option that should be configurable for the human user. Most probably it has to go since we will not be bound to a single interface or display of whatever sorts, but just being here and react in the way I that I could actually make the best use of. E.g. I have about 12 devices surrounding me that could be the receiving end to my wishes (TV, iMac, MacBook, some Notebook, a few mobile phones, fixed-line phone, digital camera, logitech bluetooth speaker, logitech sound system, AppleTv, iPod(s) ...)
(Did I mention that I want to open the first google office in my neighborhood and really do groundbreaking work in knowledge management and give part of the people what they want, even though most of them don't and won't realize this. It would be the most revolutionary work environment with all things going crazy, I would even use the local 10'000 people as the testbed and then expand to cover the next 1.5 million and then the world (kind a like of Pinky and the Brain

, no really!, I think with the right mentor it could work and the google team could have an impact on the world! ;))
As always I want everything now and don't want to wait another 20 years before they think they got it right.
Or why do I still feel the same way as I felt when I was working with my first palm pilot?
I'm trapped, for almost 20 years and more we use the same technology and were still in the early precambrian, might be the at the beginning of hadean. My clock is ticking and boy do I want to see the next era. Not just a couple of hundred million evolution cycles. Come on, an e-Ink eReader or a iPhone is nothing else that just a couple cycles in the evolution of the same.
But it is clear that none of the Google products really have a future.
This is so simple and beautiful; does not distract; feels at home; you're welcome; go ahead and do whatever you need to do. I'm there for you.
Because the simple search that delivered THE results was the key to success. Everything else has to go. All attempts to steer away from this will ultimately fail.
Slowly they are learning, sometimes the hard way. But they are trying to fix things and get rid of the unnecessary baggage which you really have to thank them for. They make our lives easier with this and remove the clutter.
You'll see that they start to incorporate our other senses into their want to serve us. We can talk now, throw pictures at them.
There is no need for an icon to tell me that I can speak now.
Soon you'll be thinking of things, hovering over items with your eyes, coughing to it, showing it your eye and it'll determine that you have a grey star, measuring the body temperature from pictures the cam takes, sizing you up. Finally using deep neural networks and their future compatriots to really do the trick and not just keeping a stick straight up on an old typewriter ;))
I understand that they need the labs (where I would like to get old) and buy other peoples projects and ultimately erase everything and gobble something up that really belonged to search in the first place. That's evolution. We have to see and understand to be able to improve and evolve. Or not and just let nature take care.
But that's not all: The Internet is 99,99% full of crap, even search is today not capable to provide the quality information to the desired level of information one needs. Pick any subject of which you have never ever heard anything before and try to learn something in less than a minute and be confident that the info provided is above average quality. There are gazillions of examples that I could come up with, where search fails today but will not tomorrow. I would like to see an automatic rating system, with some additional personal preference list, based on texts that I read before and would like to consult or count in on the next time. So for example Steven Levy, which I tend to read.
search is the ultimate answer (approximately 41.9999, maybe 42 we'll see), there's no need for anything else, but constant improvements to such things as Now, Real-time, my own information returned in searches etc. and a dynamic system in which one can freely roam around and always come back.
So every time google decides to kill a product we shall rejoice because we might be one or multiple steps going into the future direction of search. Hopefully at an increasing rate.
So here's to Google Reader:
My daily companion for many years, almost always there for me to provide me with the great insight to all and beyond, consumed over all imaginable devices and programs almost 24 by seven. It's time to say goodbye and may your DNA be the basis of the future search, that will finally bring all together.
Why? The flood of content on the internet is unbearable, there is no automatic aggregator, even considering foreign language sources, no rating system, no visualization over time, but it's desperately needed, since we have now billions of information sources all reporting about the same. Most should not even report since they don't add anything of value and should be considered spam. Search shall provide me the means to live a healthier live, only reading the condensed news and articles that really contain or add value.
Most of the products have no future, like

, on which I write this entry. It's prehistoric, it should've gone a long time ago, it is so out of fashion, still cannot drag and drop pictures into the composing area, having to type in some nondescript serif font that I hate, looking at a screen that is not really optimized, having a lot of icons I never clicked, all distracting the pureness of writing this blog entry.
Why can I not just start typing at search and it'll be an entry to my online being, that I then can use in whatever way pleases me. The only thing you cannot take away from me is the Google logo and the new search field. Where if it pleases me I can ask to have a word in bold, change the font temporarily, switch off the screen, look up a phrasal verb definition, grab some image that if selected will be directly integrated into my entry (not calling it blog anymore). I can then command a million blogs and target the audience without having to have circles from somewhere else.
Visualization is crucial to most of us that have visual sight, so why not let me choose to view everything in the different models there are. Show me all in a linked map, display everything in an endless calendar, whatever format the calendar be, allow me to limit or expand in any direction, let me be the creator of my own world based on some initial models. There are endless things that can be achieved and all starts at search.
Lately Google has added some to search but many things still are feeling very unnatural to start with and won't let you expand from where you come but direct you to the ultimate doom which is having a hundred or more tabs/windows open and never actually allowing us to retrace back to where we started.
To Google, stay focused, deliver the ultimate, get rid of everything but search.
The products that have to go and soon:
(don't have the time for all, so please fill in some details for each product of Google, i.e. help me finish this list):
Has been doomed from the beginning, there is no real sense to try to keep the old technology alive, why should I care if I reach somebody over email, or IRC, chat, messenger, even over snail mail.
Wouldn't it be cool to write a message, from search, to my grandmother and it will let me choose to send it at a cost of $1, which will get printed and delivered to her mailbox.
Doomed, some features seem to creep into search and once they recognize that all of it must go it'll end quickly.
google docs
Already gone, no?
Chrome OS
Doomed, but could be the start of search (will not call it search OS).
Doomed from the beginning, together with Chrome will be assimilated into search.
Please continue and update this list a somewhat ok start is here:
This is version 0.1 of this blog entry. It's late, too late and I could still continue on forever. But my younger son will appreciate it if I bring him to bed, instead of letting hime sleep on the couch.
Tolino Shine: Hoffnung auf Verbesserungen, April?, Fonts (DIY)
Es gibt anscheinend sehr interessante Blogs, welche uns mit genügend Infos versorgen:
Danke für die Mühe.
Jetzt wünsche ich mir nur, dass es endlich jemand mal Ernst meint und einiges an Arbeit in die Verbesserungen steckt. Es gibt viel zu tun, packt es an und es gibt definitiv eine Alternative zu Amazon Kindle.
Cool wäre eine Art public top priorities list, wo man verfolgen kann, welche Funktionen gerade implementiert werden. Monatliche updates!
Fonts (DIY): http://allesebook.de/reviews-tests-previews/howto/anleitung-eigene-schriftarten-am-tolino-shine/
gefunden auf: http://www.lesen.net/ereader/5-tipps-fur-den-tolino-shine-6096/
Danke für die Mühe.
Cool wäre eine Art public top priorities list, wo man verfolgen kann, welche Funktionen gerade implementiert werden. Monatliche updates!
Fonts (DIY): http://allesebook.de/reviews-tests-previews/howto/anleitung-eigene-schriftarten-am-tolino-shine/
gefunden auf: http://www.lesen.net/ereader/5-tipps-fur-den-tolino-shine-6096/
Tolino Shine: Leider ziemlich schlechter als Sony PRS-1
Sorry to say, but....
Der Sony ist in Punkto Textlayout Klassen besser, leider auch bei der Textqualität, d.h. er hat zwar ein höher auflösendes Display, dies kommt aber überhaupt nicht zur Geltung. Man hat einfach mehr das Gefühl eines Buches anstatt eines Computerdisplays.
Der Sony ist in Punkto Textlayout Klassen besser, leider auch bei der Textqualität, d.h. er hat zwar ein höher auflösendes Display, dies kommt aber überhaupt nicht zur Geltung. Man hat einfach mehr das Gefühl eines Buches anstatt eines Computerdisplays.
Speziell beim letzten Bild ist der Abstand der Zeilen viel zu Gross und man kann diesen auch nicht verringern, eine kleinere Schrift bringt leider nicht wirklich was.
Tolino Shine: Hoffen auf ein schnelles Update ;)
- Wörterbuch, mehrere Sprachen
- Viele eBook Funktionen, es gibt so vieles nachzuholen, wie auch Notizen
- PDFs stürzen mehrheitlich ab
Tolino Shine: Also mir gefällt das Ding sehr gut
Empfehlung: Kaufen; wie immer aber nicht ohne sich vorher zu informieren.
Nun gibt es ja zum Glück Amazon mit den Kindle Readers, doch so wirklich haben diese mich noch nie angesprochen, doch der Preis von $69 ist schon sehr nah am Spontankauf.
Das grösste Problem wie immer ist, dass ich meine mehrere hundert Bücher umfassende Sammlung nicht einfach so auf den Reader bekomme; zum Teil gibt es keine Ebooks, dann sind viele ungeheuer Teuer, so dass sich der Neukauf nicht wirklich lohnt. Bin immer noch am überlegen, ob ich mit iPone scanne und mit OCR in ePub umwandle, speziell mit dem Kartonscanaufbau zum selbermachen. Auch kann ich von Kindle nicht einfach auf Sony TRS umsteigen etc. Meine Bücher kaufe ich meistens auf iBooks und die bekomme ich nirgends mehr drauf. Zum Guten Glück habe ich eine ziemlich grosse ePub Sammlung von früher mit einigen wichtigen Titeln, doch leider ist es nicht einfach zu wissen wo jetzt welche Bücher sind.
Seit einigen Wochen fragen mich unheimlich viele über die Tablets und Ebook reader und was ich denn so denke. Für viele ist es das iPad (speziell mit Retina Display)/iPad mini, dann klar der Kindle Paperwhite $119 und es war immer der Sony PRS-T1, doch nun kommt der Tolino und für die meisten hier ist dies das Gerät, welches jetzt kaufen muss. Der Bookeen HD Frontlight und Kobo Glo haben es einfach nicht so richtig geschafft; ich meine auf meine Liste.
Die Gründe für iPad:
- Farbe, multifunktionalität, Batterie ok
Die Gründe für Kindle Paperwhite:
- Bester Shop für englische Bücher, bestes und preiswertestes Gerät, Software top
Die Gründe für PRS-T1:
- ePub (grosse Vielfalt in verschiedenen Sprachen), leicht
Nun also der tolino shine:
- Preis, ePub, software ok, licht, Shop für mehr Länder, zentraler Knopf
Der Tolino erfüllt nach meinem eingehenden Test alle Bedürfnisse mit Gut für jeden Durchschnittsbürger. Es funktioniert sofort alles, die Software und Bedienung gehen gut von der Hand, zum Teil rudimentär; es fehlen einige Funktionen, doch für die allermeisten Bücherleser ist es genau richtig.
Der Preis in Deutschland ist gut, in der Schweiz sollte man ihn noch nach unten korrigieren, generell Top.
Ich habe nicht alle Angaben die ich gerne hätte jedoch hier meine Vermutungen, auf Grund von Open source Lizenzen und angaben vom Gerät:
- Android 2.3.3
- Linux
- Garantiegeber: Longshine Technologie GmbH, Augsburg
- Wie lange hält der Akku, wenn das Licht immer eingeschalten ist.
- Garantie für Firmware updates?, stetige Verbesserung der Software?
Interessant ist auch, ob der Tolino mit anderer Software zum Laufen kommt ;), egal
Hier die Bilder:
So nun kommen wir zum Kapitel, was gefällt mir den nicht:
- Hintergrundlicht im unteren Bereich nicht zufriedenstellend, siehe auch letztes Foto. In einem anderen Blog http://blog.the-ebook-reader.com/2013/03/04/tolino-shine-ereader-with-hd-screen-android-and-frontlight-hits-germany/, auch im Video dort sieht die Hintergrundbeleuchtung viel besser aus. Vielleicht ein Grund mein Gerät auszutauschen. (Notiz: habe weder den Eintrag gelesen, noch das Video wirklich angeschaut, d.h. ich weiss noch nicht was da Berichtet wurde, für mich war es nur ein Vergleich für das Licht)
- Leider ist auch beim Paperwhite das Licht nicht wirklich toll
- Schärfe, d.h. zum Teil stellt der Tolino gewisse Textpassagen etwas unscharf an, was ich mir eigentlich nicht so bewusst war. Die Fotos auf der offiziellen Seite und auch auf diversen News Seiten sind deutlich zu kontrastreich und scharf. Doch das Display gefällt.
- Software
- Die Software gefällt mir gut, jedoch hat es einige Sachen die Dringend angegangen werden sollten.
- Startseite ist nicht ok, ich möchte direkt mit meiner Bibliothek beginnen.
- Koordination zwischen Hauptknopf, Wischen oder Navigationselementen ist nicht sauber durchdacht. Extrem mühsam, dass man nicht durch die Bibliothek wischen kann, so auch nicht durch das Inhaltsverzeichnis
- Zugriff auf mehr Einstellungen von überall her, auch um den Webbrowser zu starten.
- Springen im Buch, mit Möglichkeit wieder zurückzukehren
- Anzeige der verbleibenden Seiten im Kapitel, Zeitschätzung
- Zeichensätze
- Geschwindigkeit, Internet, Shop und z.T. navigieren im Buch etwas zu langsam
- Mehr soziale Dienste und auch news reader, z.B. Google Reader mit Cache
- Suchen in PDFs
- Abstürze in PDFs und auch sonst wo.
- vom PC/MAC/Pad: Reader für andere Geräte, Management der in der Cloud gespeicherten Dokumente, so auch die Möglichkeit etwas zur Verfügung zu stellen.
- Gewicht, es ist zwar genial, jedoch sollte man noch optimieren
- Gewicht: 184 Gramm, schon fast genial, dennoch möchte man es leichter
- mit Licht war nur der Kobo Glo leichter, d.h. 183 Gramm
- Grösse, eigentlich ganz ok, wahrscheinlich bringt dünner mehr als weniger Breit, doch die Höhe war und ist ok.
- Grösse: Leichte Nachteile gegenüber Kobo Glo und Kindle, für mich jedoch ok. Eher die Dicke.
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