
Google Missing functionality that I would like to add: News aggregation based on some sources

I believe that many people have their preferred news sources, based on a number or criteria.

Currently I use feedly and google+ and am disappointed in that it does not really help me use my time more wisely. I spend too much of my thought capacity and stress my eyes just to scroll through the messages of about 25 news sources.

No personal favorisation.
No news aggregation.
No multi language news aggregation.
No timeline and link to origin.
No peer rating and quality assesment.
No writer rating.
No suggestions for more news sources based on topic and some of the above points.
No auto translation with quality of translation rating for languages that I don't speak or do not speak good enough.
No theme based history and timeline of worthy articles based on some of the above points.
No partial article insertion, side by side view.
No resource aggregation (besides text). Show all images, audio, videos related
No video dissection and transformation to text, same goes for documents

Summly.com seems to have addressed certain problems, but I was not using it. Only after Yahoo released News Digest, did I start using it and stopped soon thereafter as it was showing content not really relevant to me and my liking or peer liking.

One of the worst usually is that all players ignore the fact that many people really try to speak more than one language and are actually interested in more than one place.

I've tried to use Google News and failed, tried to use Google Alerts and failed, tried MSN, yahoo and many others (Google Reader, Current, Flipboard, Pulse). Also I have a hard time finding articles that I read in the past and where, Apple's reading list does not really help, Pocket and others also not really.

I believe this can be done and would improve everyone's live. I would like to spend time building it (requirements are google computing resources, google APIs, a new computer language for people that don't like to code what trillions of people have already built, some clever people with drive).

No personal favorisation.

I like TheVerge, Wired, Heise, Caschys Blog, NYT, Cult of Mac, some others only partially, while others only very rarely (such as CNET).

I also do like about 150 Topics. (Summly seems to have addressed this, shame that I was not able to test it).

No news aggregation.

Same story, multiple languages, from all preferred news sources, flexible display start with highest rated writer, news source, most complete story, peer rating, complement by others, if only referencing original story outside of news sources link to original story and inserts bits and peaces by others (visible), maybe see where the stories divert, try to judge deviations and backup this with more data.
Offer more news sources if multiple factors are in favor, allow for my own rating (others can follow, i.e. benefit from my rating if they choose), allow for errors in my judgement, sometimes ignore my judgement.

What is the same story, what is a complete story, what is a diversion. Show visibly allow for MindMapping style of navigation drill down and up, move to the side etc.

No multi language news aggregation. 

I like stories in English and German, but I have tried to read some in Italian and French, did not even try to read Mandarin (my 1 year training does not really help) and other languages will have good news sources. the stories of my favorite languages must be combined.

No timeline and link to origin.

When showing a story, show the timeline of where the news originated, show time and date of the news article published allow display based on that, show origin of parts of news. Visibly.

No peer rating and quality assessment.

If Steven Levy points out an article to read, I'm more likely to read it than if it just is some article that is in some RSS feed of my non favorite writer and news source.

No writer rating.

Again, there are writers out there that I really enjoy reading.

I enjoy Caschy, but not some other writers on his blog, I enjoy Walt Mosberg, David Pogue, Steven Levy, and hundreds of writers that I cannot name from NYT, TheVerge, Wired, local news...

No suggestions for more news sources based on topic and some of the above points.

No auto translation with quality of translation rating for languages that I don't speak or do not speak good enough.

Add stories from languages that I don't speak, translated and if available have some rating of the quality of the translation also allow me to dislike certain translations, allow other users to aid in the process of improving the translation.

No theme based history and timeline of worthy articles based on some of the above points.

No partial article insertion, side by side view.

No resource aggregation (besides text). Show all images, audio, videos related

No video dissection and transformation to text, same goes for documents

There are videos out there that cover the same story, but I don't have the time to watch all the videos or am not capable of, but would love to get the bits and pieces if they add to the content or to compare to the written word stories and then judge if it is worthy to read. Segment videos, display images of the relevant parts that add visually to the story.

Oops, time flies and I have to work on something else now, let's hope that I will be able to work on the many ideas I have.

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