
#Apple fails to amaze: Most of the things announced today fail to amaze and this is not the first time

There has been a time where Apple has truly amazed. That was the time they actually solved real world things.

Now today they fight on so many different arenas that they fail to amaze. 

Once they did have cool names, iMac, iPhone.
Once they had cool hardware and accessories, even if you could not use them (The Puck).
They still make the best laptops (Mac Book Air) but they fail to really innovate in that space.

Where they stand out today is iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite, truly amazing! 

So today's product announcements:

The Apple Watch, 

sounds boring. It's like the iPod Nano on steroids. 

(Actually the only thing I missed on the iPod Nano to make it a real smart watch, was the Bluetooth 4, so it could connect to the phone.)

I personally don't want to wear a watch and if I do I prefer some others. Most probably Apple should have made sensors and apply it to any watch, kind of a watch Kit. You can purchase whatever watch and we will make it be a smart watch (OSD, sensors). And for all the people that don't want that, we have a patch. Just Apply it to your left breast and you're good to go.

The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus,

 is like a 5 S Mark 2. (everybody else has a bigger phone), Nokia had already the OIS, lame that the iPhone 6 will not have it. NFC? Everyone has it, right?

What are the things Apple solved in the past:

Computer                  - iMac, later intel based to be able to run Microsoft OS
Notebook                  - Mac Book Air
Wireless Router        - Apple Airport Extreme
Keyboards                 - Wireless and cable based keyboards
TV Box                      - Apple TV
Software Suite           - iLife
OS                             - Mac OS X
Phone                        - iPhone (iOS)
Backup                      - TimeMachine

What are the things that would have truly mattered (this list is not ordered to any priority):

Waterproof and unbreakable (and small fee to replace if broken) - You shouldn't have to worry all the time

Currently: It is a big worry, almost any day in every situation.

Nano coat and more durable or make it extremely easy and cheap to replace parts.

Siri - to make life easier

Currently: Fails, only use it once a month or less, sometimes try to use it and keep being disappointed.

In many cases an interface is not needed if Siri would be great. Apple should also create some wireless knob where I can whisper my commands and get audio feedback. Kind of like a hearing aid. 

- Getting Siri to work without Internet. Or many reoccurring personal tasks.
- Getting Siri to really understand and learn, if only in english. I personally would love to be able to talk in my dialect and two more languages.

Battery - you should need to worry less

Currently: I always have to worry about having enough juice to get through the day. 

- Battery live! Be able to use the iPhone with all things running for 24 hours straight. Today if you use GPS Navigation the phone looses 1% a minute or more. This should be 24 hours straight, maybe first 12 hours straight. Implement so more clever ways to have a backup buffer battery to access your tickets, Apple Pay with no real battery left.

- Wireless charging in less time

Screen - dynamically resizable, always readable (bright sun)

Currently: The iPhone is too small the iPad mini is a little bit to big, but to small to work with

Global Sim - Add multiple SIMs to your phone

Many people I know still face this issue and use other brands that solve it elegantly. Real innovation would have been to be multi SIM. The issue is not going away that soon.

Affordable  - You have a family with a few kids and want to be able to give them something

Currently: I will never be able to buy an iPhone and an iWatch (sorry, Apple Watch (that's ugly)) for the whole family.

Apple should keep the product cycles but focus on delivering basic needs devices at the best price possible. Today that would be the 5c at $150 no contract.

Storage  -- Be able to store at market prices

iCloud is double the price of Google Drive space, especially the 1 TB is 20 a month instead of the 10 at Google. That should not be!!

Camera -- We need optical zoom capabilities

Every time I want to quickly take a picture of the landscape or the moon or some other things, the iPhone fails me because the detail I wanted is incredibly small. I would not mind to have an attachable optical zoom that does not cost a fortune, but comes from Apple. Even better would be 1/3 of the phone sized sensor (but maybe I'm wrong and you really need the lenses).

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