
Apple iPhone 6 Plus: Very sad but I'm not going to buy it

I always like to test out new technologies, at least in the past. Time is more scarce than ever.

My iPhone 5 is doing a great job, especially the camera that I use almost every day for just about anything, except naked selfies. But that might change if I have could save a doctors visit by just doing a ButtTime or so.

In my country the iPhone 6 launch was yesterday, albeit telling everyone of going at 4am to the Apple Store to queue, I did not show up.

During lunch break I went to a few tech shops around and played around with the 6 and 6 plus on display.

The looks don't convince me at all.

The camera and pictures I took don't really amaze me, had some troubles with auto HDR and flash and the speed at which the camera was able to take the pictures in low light. Nothing I really need.

Worst of all the size of the 6 plus did not convince me. I thought I can replace my iPhone 5 and the iPad mini retina with a single device. I most often use the iPhone and not the iPad but the iPhone is too small. The iPhone 6 Plus is not really much better, but why?

It's the screen ratio. I read a lot and I would've preferred an wider device than tall, so that I can read the PDFs in full size. iBooks is terrible with zooming in on a certain level and keep that level while paging through. Also rotating the phone is not really great as again the ratio of the screen is not ideal.

This is the same as the new 4K 28" screens on the market, the are rather wide and lack a lot in tallness. They don't really work for me.

Also if you take those gorgeous photos and the device displays it quite small with big black bars?? Zooming in manually is again a pain to page through the photos.

So, I save the money and wait what next year or in two years will come around. Most probably I can get a superb Mac Book Air for the same price as the 6 Plus 64GB version (here it costs $ 1070). My iPhone needed a couple times replacement and even the current one has a weak spot, but for a device of over $1000 I will definitely have more complaints.

#Bendgate did also contribute to my decision, especially the post Weakspot theory shows Bendgate’s not quite dead yet.

Currently you can get a Nexus 5 for $300. But I really don't like it. But what I mean is that Apple should have a phone a la iPhone 5 S2 for $450 (not the c).

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