
My personal Top 5 Apple PAIN point list (will be continuously updated)

Top 5

  • iBooks, PDF and ePub sync (other programs are not a real alternative)
  • Sync issues with iBooks/iTunes/iCloud passwords and bookmarks (many times lost data)

Full List


  • Password and bookmark sync does not show if the data is outdated and too many times changes are overwritten, no way to solve these conflicts


  • Tabs help but the interface needs an overhaul.
  • File copying, do not try to transfer all files at once!

Apple Maps -> still cannot use and definitely do not trust (Google Maps and Here, but both are also not really trustworthy)

Apple MacBook/MacBookAir

  • Touch
  • Better window management, expose is not good enough
  • Allow for browser tabs to be moved though and selected with CMD+TAB

iPhone, iPad

  • iBooks, 
    • Big images of books
    • sync my PDFs and books through iCloud drive
    • manage large collection of PDFs, automatic tagging, multi-level folders
    • edit PDFs, 
    • let other programs access the PDFs, 
    • actually all other parts are accessible through iCloud but not ePub and PDFs


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