
Excel: Hide text in column

Right click -> Format Cells -> Number -> Custom -> ;;;

Excel: How to set the default font


In Excel:

file tab -> options -> general category -> when creating new workbooks - change font and size

restart excel for this change to take effect.


Original Unix HATERS Handbook Barf Bag almost used

I'm in possession of the original The unix haters handbook and even more important of the one and only Unix Barf Bag.

Today I almost had to use it.

But then I thought the better of it and plainly refused to accept the fact that I never will bend to the will of Unix!!!!

This after a few failed installations of Ubuntu Server 11.10 (there are some bugs/features in the installer) and failed attempts to get a small server installations of debian and plain refusal to use cent os again.

After 20 years of exposure to Unix and Linux I still cannot cope with it. They made a big mess and never cleaned up.

Why o why will I never learn all the flavors of Linux and have enough storage and access capability to work with whatever is thrown at me.

Well I get old, since I crave for my old slackware 1.01.

I don't give up and someday I'll master the Linux World and whatever they throw at me.

In the meantime I have to decide which linux to use for all my current plans:

- gentoo
- debian
- ubuntu
- centos

I don't like suse, maybe because they have yast. Actually I don't like all of them. Just give me a plain vanilla linux that is for business use, with the easiest setup, best doc, updated packages.


The hardship of an iDad

how many apple id's do you need to satisfy a family of 8?

Around 12 to 14!

I have to figure out something and should write some postings about the iDevices management and children supervision.

I need to have an iPod touch limitation on the amount of time using certain apps!

We cannot use photo stream, as on iPhone 4s if iCloud enabled you cannot edit contacts anymore. That makes sense, we just wanted to use the same account for photo stream. But live is tough and we just disabled iCloud on iMoms account. She's happy.


Mac OS X: convert from flac to aac and itunes

I have not found out which format to use so I used mp3 high 320 fixed rate. Maybe later I'll be able to find the correct setting.


Java Hell of versions #65392: Java does not load for non admin user on Windows 7

UPDATE: This does not work!!! The plugin is loaded, i.e. shown in about:plugins but does not start!!! When accessing a page it does not start java. So this remains unsolved and I can only use java when firefox started with admin privileges.

Firefox 7.0.1, Windows 7 x64 and java plugin not loaded. Only the development shows with about:plugin.

But it works with priviledged mode, i.e. user with elevated rights.

Java - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

There could be a possible plugin scan issue and to remedy this you'll have to copy the plugin files ( npjp2.dll) to the firefox installation directory. And voila:

Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U20

File: npjp2.dll
Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers

c:\program files (x86)\java\jre6\bin\new_plugin\npjp2.dll to C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugins

I also tried copying it into the user plugin folder, same result.


TFTP over firewall (using tftpd32)

For the first time I have had the need to use tftp over a firewall.

I knew that port 69 was involved on the server side but what I did not know was that the data transfer is done over a new connection from client to server on a dynamic port!

But luckily with tftpd32 I was able to specify the local port pool and I have set it to 69:69. This worked like a charm.

some info:

have charts for active/passive ftp


Java Hell of versions #65391: Remove old java plugins from Firefox



notepad++ 5.9 release saves the day (non greedy regex)

I urgently needed non greedy regex, but notepad++ 5.5 did not support it and I have not been able to find the right regex that works.

But the new Version 5.9.x supports and now it saved me a lot of headaches!


This will match the first until the first semicolon after underscore and not the last !!


Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts - 10.5


Mac OS X - reset password - 10.5+ (no boot disk)

This description is from: 

  1. Restart in Single User mode (hold Command-S during startup). Note that single-user mode always uses the US English keyboard layout.
  2. At the prompt, type this followed by Return: mount -uw /
  3. Type this:
    launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.DirectoryServices.plist
  1. Press Return
  2. Type this, then press Return: ls /Users
  3. Look at the listing and note the short name (username) of the affected user account.
  4. Type this:

    dscl . -delete /Users/username AuthenticationAuthority

    Note: Replace "username" with the affected user account's short name you noted above.
  5. Press Return
  6. Type this, followed by Return: passwd username

    Note: Replace "username" with the affected user account's short name you noted above.
  7. At the "New password:" prompt, type the user's password, then Return. Note: It is recommended that the original user's password be used to match the keychain password.
  8. At the "Retype new password" prompt, type the same password, followed by Return.
  9. Type this, followed by Return: reboot


itunes (iCloud) purchased music appears

I was just able to get to the section purchased with Music, not only apps and books as the last hours.

It works for US store. The others don't show it yet.

New iBooks 1.3 (394) out, it's fast! Cover pages still not working for many documents

I have about 600 pdfs and 100 books and iBooks is a decent program. (pdf annotations needed desperately!)

the new version that came out today is really nice. I have made some full page scans of some color documents that I have not in another format (learning material and 1980s computer magazines).

And iBooks just got a whole lot faster. It's still far from being perfect but now the pages load very quickly with a lot of fuzziness which gets clear within a fraction of a second. Still to slow to be really good but better than before. Zooming in on secitons is quite bad as it takes much longer for the borders to get sharp. The center is quite quick at becoming sharp but the border, sometimes small sometimes 1/5th or the page is unsharp. Moving around is also not good since it gives you kind of a google maps feeling where parts and pieces at different places look distorted.

iBooks could still improve and I wait to the time where they will be preloading the next page, like acdsee did to pictures when you wanted to quickly skim ahead. As I always do. A little algorithm would do the trick. (forward and backward please).


I have not found a way to easily predict if my documents will show the first page correctly as cover or not. I have not yet had time to find a way to correct the pdfs so that the covers get displayed correctly. I really hate the standard text display if it fails to display the cover. But even worse are the white pages, i.e. little black spots on large white canvas.

Apple still rocks. Nobody has been able to come up with such a mass of all encompassing software.

I really would love to see them reward the people that come of with the stuff and not just steal, copy use it. They should buy the intelectual property of the real inventors and create nice videos where those people tell their story and how they did it.

Kind of like do good not evil, even if the motto is from the G company that has failed to provide really amazing stuff for a long time now.


Update on iPad2 and Smart Cover - $400 to replace

I dropped my iPad2 by accident. I was able to catch it but only got hold of the smart cover and this parted from the iPad2 just as if it was not attached. The iPad hit the floor the smart cover was save in my hands.

The glass of the iPad splintered and I was devastated.

Did I mention that the screen has a backlight bleeding issue and that I wanted to return it? Too late.

I called support, paid around $400 and had a repaired iPad2 within 4 days. Thank good that I had not to pay the full price.

But I blame the smart cover. With my old iPad and the original cover this could not have happened at all.

After that it was clear that the smart cover has to go. I have a case open with Apple because the smart cover scratches the ipad and leaves scratches on metal. The case does not go anywhere, apple refuses to acknowledge that they did a mistake. Just look at the many people complaining. BTW it is right that it might start as early as one or 2 days of using it to start get some black spots.

I was checking out about 30 covers even some really fancy ones from ozaki but in the end I had to admit that I was looking for something only the smart cover can give me.

The only choice left was to buy Belkin snap case that fits nicely, does not add enough weight and is a good by. Apple should have added something like this. It's a little milky, i.e. the back of the iPad2 shows through nicely.

In the last 2 weeks I replaced the belkin case because I already had a crack in on of the corners caused by something I don't even remember.

People protect your iPads.

Also I did not mention that this new iPad2 also has backlight bleeding. I always notice it while watching movies. I though lcd projectors had an issue only with no perfect black.


iPad 2 - Wow what a feeling - Smart Cover complete failure

The new iPad 2 is great, go buy it. (If you need one in the first place and can live with a lot of shortcomings, like camera.)

But the real issue here is the Smart Cover, Don't Buy!!!!

Only slowly are some reviews coming in that the Smart Cover is a design failure. I am a huge fan of the original iPad Cover.

I'm thinking about bringing it back. Just today I read on macnotes.de a review where they give it a 2.5 out of 5. In my experience (24 hours) it is even worse.

As many people noted you'll have already black spots appearing on the hinges, the cover is not easy to attach, can also only be attached to one side. All of those things are not really bad but the worst is that you cannot work with it and you cannot put your iPad anywhere.

If you want to hold it with 1 hand and read from it; using your left hand; cover does not stick to the iPad but falls back (magnet is not strong enough). Also the cover moves around.

Right hand; the cover is longer than the ipad itself, so you cannot really hold it tight; you can move it back but then the hinges on the left side move back and the cover itself bulges. I almost dropped the iPad twice.

Right hand 2nd; fold back last part of the cover and try to hold it, no magnet keeps it in place.

And since you have nothing on the back you cannot place your iPad on uneven surfaces or it will slide away; workaround always put it down on the smart cover side and it sill stay.

I really think that the cover is a failure and I wish that someone creates a extremely thin transparent sticky cover that, maybe I'll go fo a silicon back. The front is protected enough if a foil is put on and the pad is generally put into a bag for transportation.

I haven't decided yet to bring it back or not. But I've read on other pages that theres a big chance that it will also leave scratches on the iPad.

AirPlay Video to Apple TV2 does not work consistently

I am a huge fan of the AirPlay functionality from iPad to Apple TV2 but the function does not work consistently with 3rd party apps. Youtube and Videos built in App work 100% of the time.

But AirVideo and Elgato and other don't.

Usually you can select Apple TV as destination but it does not switch to it. The content is still displayed on the iPad. I can even switch to an Airport Express and the Audio get's played back and the Airplay icon is blue. But switching between the different destinations does not help.

No method works always to enable the Airplay. I was able to enable it sometimes but I cannot reproduce it.

chrome 11 still has not fixed annoying bookmark issue

Google is developing new version like crazy or at least they try to improve fast.

But they haven't figured out the basics. Most people that work all their live with computers now that some of the most needed features no browser has implemented.

Ok but I was hoping the would have fixed the issue that when you try to open multiple tabs from the bookmarks on mac os x that it keeps the popup window open and always in front. Which is annoying since you have to quit chrome and try again and again. And this has been in all version I used so far.

The only workaround is to use the bookmark manager and open the the subfolder there.

I hope that google with solve this with version 20 or 21?


Elgato EyeTV just got better (iPad)

Finally they have released a version that supports AirPlay video for live tv and for recorded shows.

It's great.

I just wonder why the developers always forget the background streaming first. Air Video solved it now perfectly.

I also forgot to mention that Elgato should add live conversion through the iPad app, so that I don't have to convert everything before I can actually stream it to the iPad/Apple Tv2. I mean I have also bought the Turbo.H264 stick and my Mac is up to it (actually it would be without, since AirVideo Server does not make use of it).

If you start playing around with EyeTV app and go through your recordings you wonder why is it not possible to use some kind of iMovie to actually edit the recording, i.e. cut out the ads! I have been running iMovie on iPad 1 and the speed and everything was great, but really I think of the iPad of the extension of my other computers lying around.

What does that mean?

The iPad is the front end that should be there to create and modify content but not actually store it!

Look at the photos app, it's just .... limited. Why not with the photo app connect to whatever iPhoto library and browse through and rotate the picture and make small correction or identify person etc. etc. but no I have to really sync it (over a cable) to my photo app and then be able to do ZIP. yes it's nice to pinch around but it gets boring, not even the nice diashows can be done. Limited.

So what about the movie editing. I would love to be able to cut out the ads of the recorded shows, I also would love to do editing and other things from the iPad, but the action should actually be carried out on the backend.

It took apple 20 years to improve on the palm pilot (we still have not the same functionality, albeit were close). Let's just hope that I don't have to wait another 20 to get those features incorporated.


Updated: Using Apple Wireless Keyboard/Magic Mouse under windows 7 x64 (almost for all input devices and also for x86)

Using Apple Wireless Keyboard under windows 7 x64 (almost for all input devices and also for x86)

Update 2013-12-03:

  • Download the Bootcamp5.0.5033.zip from apple.com and in windows 7 windows explorer opens the zip file view, i.e. you'll see the folders in it.
  • Navigate to BootCamp->Drivers->Apple
  • Double click on AppleKeyboardInstaller64.exe and click on Run.
All set!

 This also works for the magic mouse, just choose AppleWirelessMouse64.exe.

Older description based on MSP file:

Get the Boot camp software from Apple that provides the drivers for the right platform. For windows 7 x64 this is http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1336.
Use 7-Zip (does not need to be installed) to open BootCamp_3.1_64-bit.exe. Right click->Open Inside.
Again open .msp with Right click -> Open Inside
Open Folder BootCamp31ToBootCamp303
Extract file Binary.Keyboard_Bin
Rename file, i.e. add .exe extension and execute
In the upcoming installation wizard click next, I accept next,


iPad 3 must have features

Touch and pen.

No more notebooks to write into at meetings etc. Must also be as good as Windows 7 Tablet PC recognition of the handwriting, i.e. display the scribble but in the background store as text (makes search much easier). Did I say multilingual? English, German, French, Italian and whatever else it must just be prepared for sentences that are completely mixed.

Currently I tried Pogo stylus and an notebook app but not practical during daily usage. Nowadays I use my finger to scribble something down.

Other features.
Better screen (resolution, brightness, dailight/glare protection, magic OLED), smart cover with keyboard, wireless sync, pdf and epub central storage with all apps access and pdf annotations, Visio for iPad, new Os that does not rely on the apps selection; today I have 7 pages full of apps and groups with apps, it just takes to long to find the right app and switching between apps is also not good. Get rid of the button for accessing the running apps. Gestures a must.

iPad 2 enthusiast warning: Do not buy! Keep iPad 1

I just had the chance to buy an iPad 2 but before I actually said yes I wanted to test my number 1 features that I use.

1) iBooks -> application is slow on iPad 2, almost the same as on iPad 1

I really hoped for a big surprise there (I have 600 epubs and 1300 pdfs on it) mostly Cisco, Infoblox, Infovista et. al. manuals release notes etc.

It's still a drag and pdf annotations that I miss are also not present, i.e. it was clear since the iBooks is independent of iPad versions.

2) camera sucks, the quality is just awful (it's definitely good enough for facetime)

But I want some crisp snappy pictures and videos, but it is just not good.

3) no display improvement. I read a lot of books on the iPad and many times I believe that I have to clean the screen but then I realize it is the iBooks application that renders sometimes the characters less than optimal. Maybe it's on the application.

Still, buy the iPad 2 if you don't have an iPad and you want to use Apple TV 2 with AirPlay, which is now just awesome, since AirVideo can stream while in the background!

It is disappointing from Apple not to be able to really improve and use their muscle to advance the technology, this time the only play catch up. From what I can see the new Galaxy 10.1 is most probably the best, but the software is lacking.


Importing DV Casettes into iTunes - 62 Minutes = 13.5 GB

Based on this 1 minute footage is 222.9677 MB (or MBpm)

From Quicktime I got the following info after importing:

Resolution:        768 x 576
bitrate:               57.61 Mbit/s
fps:                    25
format:               DV, 720 x 576 (768 x 576), Millions, DV, Stereo, 32.000 kHz


iOS airplay 4.3 update: AirVideo just released an update->play in background!!

AirVideo has an update that says it will airplay in the background, if that's true, that would be perfect. I'll have to test in a few hours, then I'll send an update.


I'm typing these words in safari, while airvideo client is streaming a movie in the background.


The ipad just got a whole lot better.

but there is still one point outstanding: if you accidentially come across another application that streams using airplay and you want to continue the movie, you'll have to start from the beginning and fast forward or try tonposition where you were before. Most probably that's something that airvideo can fix!

Google Chrome Annoyances #930349: How to stop google chrome from trying to open pdf, doc etc in google docs

Somehow my google chrome setting not to open Microsoft Office Documents with Google Docs Viewer is lost and I have to disable it again, so here it is:


Untick Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer by Google

If you ask why I even bother doing it: My dayjob environment does not allow me to open these documents online and through our proxy the error message that I get back from google is something linked to bandwidth (but I'm not sure where it fails exactly and I don't bother).


iMovie on iPad 1 is great but...

At each sync with itunes it removes iMovie again and I have to install it with the iphone configuration program again ;(


iOS 4.3 AirPlay for 3rd pary apps is flawed!

It's incredible to be able to stream any kind of video to Apple TV2 but my Ipad is just a brick when using AirPlay.

I cannot switch to any other application or I'll loose the streaming. You have to stay put in the application.

I cannot imaging using my Ipad as a relay for viewing movies and then not being able to do anything.

Air Flick is still the way to go, it would be great to have air Video Server to actually use AirPlay directly and have some remote control to fast forward etc.

Even if you go out and back into Air Video you lost where you were, that means you would have to find the exact same spot to continue.

Please fix this Apple for 1 and AirVideo for 2


Apple TV2

recommendation: Buy if you are an Apple freak and also an Apple User, buy if you have movie rentals in your country and really want to use this feature

  • price
  • size
  • speed
  • temperature
  • noise
  • apple integration
  • apple remote via iphone/ipad
  • airplay from iphone/ipad
  • stream all video formats without jailbreak with the help of airvideo server/mac airvideo client/airflick.
  • stream screen of mac to apple tv, even if usage is in question
  • stream pdf, ppt and other content from mac to apple tv, (airflick 0.30)
  • easy renting of movies
  • remote (really use all that many buttons on the others? the aluminum version is just gorgeous)
  • streaming is the only real solution, I hate copying from disk to disk or whatever.


  • no simple way to stream Video_TS - need to use some manual process
  • remote signal received only from a limited angle. I used to play games with the remote and the iMac or Mac book. I pointed the remote to the ceiling etc and I still was able to navigate, but with the apple tv2 the receiving angle is narrow to say the least.
  • Volume control!!! It sucks to have to turn to another remote to control volume, but I think this is not achievable if the audio is going out optical or is it the other way around. I have not been able to enable it and successfully up or down it.


  • Can be crashed with airplay from iphone

  • Caches metadata from itunes library and only updates when restarted. If you feel like you need to add some covers to your movies and then want to see it on apple tv. Nothing helped except power off/on of the appletv2.

  • Takes too long to start showing photos when connecting to our 30'000 plus library. It should give something back sooner and continue loading in the background.

Missing features

  • itunes based streaming very limited in how to select movies, i.e. genre, by movie, unseen, playlist but not by selecting year, actors etc.

  • Photo browsing is a pain. We have over 30'000 pictures and if we want to go by events, we have to scroll down for more than 20 seconds to reach the latest pictures. It should offer a lot more ways to explore the photos, I still hope for an Ipad app that lets me view my pictures from our big iphoto library and present this also on the apple tv (kind of like tv-out with a photo app that is connected to iphoto on the mac).


  • iOS Apps? 
  • iphone/ipad gameplay over airplay?
  • more dynamic content, it gets really boring after seeing the static animal selection over and over again, apple should make it easy to allow for dynamic additions of the pictures. People would just sit in front of the apple tv and wait for the origami screen saver with beautiful pictures updated dynamically. It is somehwat possible but if you do a flicker search it is limited to 100 pictures and they stay the same for too long. Maybe one should add the possibility to playlists for screen savers, i.e. best selection for yosemite done by users and some nice background music.
  • dynamic content, see news and pictures of the album/singer of the currently playing peace, maybe even let one explore some content seen
  • genius for apple tv?
Never to have features
  • 1080p from Apple
  • a sigma design chip that eats all

What were my previous boxes?

windows pc
mac with plex/xbmc/boxee
apple tv
wd tv
wd tv live

Apple TV2 Rocks!!! AirVideo Server->Mac AirVideoClient -> AirFlicks

Apple TV2 streams any video format no jailbreak necessary.

Here is how:

1) Get AirVideo Server 2.4.3

Configure folder to share and start server.

2) Get Mac AirVideo Client  3.0(374)

Edit Servers -> name whatever, location IP Address of where AirVideo server is running. Then click save
Select server from main window and click connect.

3) Get AirFlick 0.30

With 0.30 you don't need to do anything as it connects to apple tv 2 automatically

4) With AirVideo Client select folder->file and then with edit servers panel-> Video press AirFlick Live Conver.

5) Usually you will get an Error. Press menu on the apple tv2 remote and press in Air Video Client the AirFlick Live Conver. Button again.

All done.

I just tried 30 files with different formats etc. and the streaming is just perfect!

Did I mention that when you say apple and perfect there's always a catch: The video controls are not really supported, no fast forward etc.

And I would also like to see a program that integrates as if it would be an itunes server and do live conversion in the process. Air Video to the rescue?

Also many people still have some Video_TS Folders that would be nice to play ;).


apple tv2 - looks like it was worth the wait

I received an apple tv2 as a christmas present and I have not been convinced that it is really a great product. It still is not great but has more appeal than most of the current boxes around. At least if you have some mac gear lying around. I just decided to sell my iPad for lack of usage. Besides consumation I cannot do much and without pdf annotations I really should look at KNO.

I had an apple tv 1 and it was an ok product with the help of xbmc or plex it was even greater, but xbmc and plex fail me regularily and apple tv2 passed the test with my family members. They can use it and it works albeit I was able to crash it with airPlay from an iPhone.

Screen saver, origami is great but it should do random pictures which it is not good at. And with home share to go into the picture section it takes now up to 2 minutes (we have 32000 photos in iphoto) before I can start browsing and did I already mention that I have to manually scroll down in events until the newest photos appear and that takes at least 20 seconds.

And we have more and more movies in iPhoto but they won't show.

What I love is ease of use, homeshare, apple remote on ipad and the limited but functional ui. renting movies is easy and fun and very fast (at least for me) to start streaming. Over christmas I learned of AirFlick and other tools from erica sadun and the future looks very bright and promising. With the help of AirVideo and AirFlick it will be possible to stream any content over to the apple tv2. Just what you could do with a ps3 or almost. But maybe even more.

I still cannot listen to my wifes favorite radio station but maybe I can get it to stream from vlc over to apple tv2 with airflick. But at the moment even I am not able to do so, since I failed to stream from airvideo even with the correct id. The error on apple tv2 came for more than 10 times and then I just stopped trying.

But hey, apple always sells hope as in next time they get it right, they were so close. After almost half of a year with the iPad and going through iterations with fastpdf, goodreader, cloudreader and ibooks I should know better, but I am sucked in and just added another level of addiction. Hey I really think about converting all my DVDs with handbrake (using nightly builds apple tv2 preset) over into iTunes again. (Almost there, maybe AirFlick and AirVideo come to the rescue).

Oh my, I even tested elgato Eyetv again, repluging my hybrid and trying to find ways to bring content into the itunes library. Did I mention that I couldnt stop me from buying an elgato 264.hd turbo stick at 80$ even though I read a lot about the crappyness that it brings, but hey I have had a new thrust of hope and that's all it needs. At least I can escape the WD TV nightmare, not that the box is not ok but it is much more limited in giving hope (did you ever try to really do some cifs or nfs link, I even don't remember if only one of those were supported or not with ccrad, well I failed miserably. The apple tv 1 was customer friendly. I have not bought a popcorn and will not. Streaming is and has been the solution to most of my problems except that I really badly need cloud storage and sync to all to become one.