
Google Nexus 7: Dead Pixel on arrival, support experience, OMG! - Update2

Update 2:

After 2 weeks I could go to the reseller and pick up my device. The LCD was exchanged and since then it's working great. Still I would have loved a much simpler exchange.


So after receiving my Nexus 7 and playing with it for some time,

including setting it up to be used fully productional and starting to compose a real comparison and rant about it and my iLegacy, I noticed while testing the ebook reading functionality that I had a dead pixel right in the top section above the text.

Dead Pixel

So instead of being able to read my eyes always focused on that black dead pixel all the time. I could not help myself but stare, glare, at that pixel, no way around it.

Something similar happened to me and my iPhone 5, where there were 2 bright spots, areas and it was also in the top third but actually on the left side. So while using my favorite app reeder, I couldn't get my eyes of those spots, and it was really bad while scrolling the content, since the 2 bright areas, would stay while the rest of the paged moved. It was a terrible experience as well. But that was solved long time ago the Apple way.

Back to Nexus.

Day 4

So I thought, I only got it for 4 days and the dead pixel for me is not acceptable. (BTW I learned the hard way that some vendors still consider a 3 to 5 dead pixel issue a non warranty replacement thing, which I cannot believe.)

First thing you do is you google for Nexus support, since this is an official Google Nexus 7, right?

Definitely off to a good start, looks promising, even has something about nexus 7 reset.

But if you go to that page it has a US only number and the only device that you can click for support is Other Nexus devices? 

There is a search bar on the top right side and using the keyword nexus 7 you'll get some results that lead to some nexus 7 help topics, where you can then click the Nexus 7 word on the top left and get to some help topics about Nexus 7. Especially the contact us is nice, where again, there is nothing to contact!

After playing around for some time I think, that maybe Asus provides some support, since they are so proud of their achievement. To tell you the short story, no no support online available. If go down that road and try to fill out the support form, you don't even find the Nexus 7 under any category available and that's that.

Day 5

So I go to the vendor, which is Digitec (in Switzerland) and it'd the 5th day after I bought it. I get a ticket and wait in line to actually be able to tell them about my problem. After a few minutes it's my turn and I present my case, to which the clerk tells me I have to wait a sec because he's getting online instructions from his service department (something like IM for support, I suppose). The answer is he cannot do locally anything, it needs to be sent back to the central service office. But here in Switzerland I'm used to go to any store within 7 days of the purchase and tell them that I'm unsatisfied with the product and I will get the money back, but he tells me I cannot do this and it would cost me 10% of the purchase price even if it was unpacked. It's in their contract's small print which are called AGBs. Ok so I opt for the central service office and there it goes. Upon leaving the store I read the small print on the printout again, and it says that the service could cost money! Hey I was not told that, so I call the central service office to ask and if necessary to cancel anything that would cost me money to fix an RMA issue. But on the telephone I'm half way assured that it won't cost me anything. I smell doom.

Day 7

I get an email that they cannot do anything and that it has to go back to the manufacturer which could be from 2 to 4 weeks and if the parts are rare there could be some delay. OMG! I just had a brand new device and asked for an RMA and maybe I get to see my dead pixel device again after 6 weeks or longer, all the while not knowing if somebody is finally able to do anything or not. 

So prepare for the worst, It's now Day 10 and we'll see what happens.

My expectations have been:

  • Be able to talk online to somebody and verify if they consider a dead pixel worthy of a mighty RMA process
  • Since it was within the 7 days that we normally are told to be able to bring something back to the store and get the money back, in this case I just wanted a working, i.e. a Nexus 7 without the dead pixel.
So far it's not the worst that I've experienced and maybe it won't be as long as my fears make me think it will take.

Now a quick excursion to apple:

Day 1

I live in a region in the world where there is no Apple store close by, so I have the option to call Apple or go to an Apple premium reseller (which I had to do both in the past 6 months). So I call and make my case about the iPhone 5 that always says no signal when my wife's iPhone 5 still has 4 bars. I'm told I will receive a shipment containing a replacement device.

Day 2

I receive the replacement device and also turn in my old iPhone 5 on the spot.

Support done. All is working!

The same was true with the premium reseller, I went there and explained my problem with the iPad 2, he booked a return, the next day I went there again and got my replacement device.

And believe me when I say I have had many Apple issues in the past and support experience is good.

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