
VMWare Workstation 6 on Vista Security???

There is one thing I learned in the past CTRL-ALT-DELETE is the only means how microsoft can protect itself from tampering.

In Vista the UAC Dialog (I don't remember how it's called) shows up in front and everything is darkened in the back. This dialog is not save, according to Marc Russinovich. Only the CTRl-ALT-DELETE is where nobody can insert code.

But when I use my VMWARE Workstation 6 I can press CTRL-ALT-DELETE and I don't get my own Dialog but the one of the virtual machine.

Does this mean Vista is insecure by default??????

If Vmware can do it all others can do it as well. Present me with a fake dialog to change password and whatever else.

This is a question I am going to pose at the TEchED 2007.

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