
Windows Vista annoyances (1) - Enterprise Edition

I am frustrated. I work now on the production version of windows vista since November 15 and to tell you the truth it is not much of an improvement for me.

Microsoft please help:

  1. I work with a domain joined machine and each day I work a few hours not connected to the domain. And I use windows explorer about 50 - 100 times an hour and I have to wait almost always 20 to 30 seconds before I can work!!!!!!
    Microsoft Fix this!!!

    Even Mark Russinovich has written an article in his blog about the open dialog issue. I think my problem has the same problem.


  2. Roaming profiles do not work with our domain (w2k3)
  3. Offline file synchronisation does not work with administratively assigned folders

    I opened a case with Microsoft but they were not knowledgable about the task. Nobody could really explain all the steps and what really needs to be set. I lost about 6 hours of work with no real solution in sight. So I archived the case.
  4. Generally Vista is slow. My WxpSp2 Virtual machine is much faster and I tend to use that for most of my experimental work.
I'll be at the techEd in Orlando and grab me a couple ms guys and try to figure out what's going on or if I have the chance to circumvent it or get detailed information. Whatever makes live easier with vista is good enough.

(Maybe I am going to wear my selfmade google T-Shirt (( for self esteem )))

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