
iPad: What do Walt and David have to say?

As always I like to read the review of Walt and David, so here you go if you want to read it yourself:



Photo found by searching google images: walt mossberg david pogue

As it has been the last couple of years the hardware improvements have been very gradual and smooth. It looks like they are now capable of handling a large number of different devices.

I have had to download about 5 different IOS updates for the last iFamily update! But contrary to other years it was only a delta update and not the full IOS download!

I miss the times when we were introduced to brand new devices or big improvements, i.e. I'm still in love with the first unibody aluminum MacBook and have not seen a reason to upgrade to any other model. As well as the AppleTV, where I'm going to stay to the old black box and not invest into the new. iMac/iPhone is the same.

The only problem I have is the iPad. It does not yet fit my desired purpose, none of the others do by far, but I would like to get a decent camera and have a better reading experience. I will have to work with it and then decided but currently my buying decision is HOLD.

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