
Apple: After 6 years of waiting I finally will be able to share my 110'000+ Fotos with my wife!

Life is too short?

Heck I don't know why, but why does it feel like everything that I actively wish for takes 20+ years to finally come to fruition?

It's just a feeling, but for me the iphone did not really bring something new for me as in my brain the palm pda did all the things I ever wanted, and yes handspring did it in color and yes the trio did add some other nice things, but ultimately for me it took way too long to get where I wanted it to go (for me). Up to this day I couldn't care less for mobile phones and their functionality and I'm glad that it is somehow hidden and I am not confronted with it during regular usage. But life has changed and instead of meeting a lot of people in real life I use now Zoom/Teams, so the iPhone actually is used for communications that I dreaded before ;) 

Even after many years of ipad and then ipad pro usage it is not where it should be. In 2003 (not sure I remember the exact year (but it must have been between 2002 and 2006) I tested and loved a windows based tablet pc which cost 3'000 and had windows journal and you could actually use the pen to insert text in multiple languages (most of the times). Something that the iPad learned a little while ago, but I still don't like it on the ipad.

There are many examples of things that I thought we might have within a few years and in the end it takes decades. One of the things I'm really looking for is to get rid of screens and hope that the goggles will transform any kind of surface real/artificial into a display. I'm looking forward to read books by actually holding a physical book in my hand but the content that I see is generated by the goggles, so I only have to have a hardback, paperback, a glossy magazine some newspaper, but I doubt that the newspaper will survive long enough, some stacks of paper and I will be reading all my favorite things on them and hopefully never have to swipe up/down/left/right or other if I really don't want to. I look forward flipping through pages, skimming a book but the content is from a digital library. Oh boy. And why should I ever install a large screen TV in any room anymore, I know my wife would be happy. For it to work, yes it must be augmented reality, not VR. For it to work it must be lightweight and long lasting, most probably powered through my smartphone with a cable for juice and compute. I don't mind that, while cycling I have to often connect my phone to an external battery and handle the cable, so I won't mind the cable for a decade or two.

Ok, there would be more, but I think coming back to what I originally wanted to write would be a good opportunity now. 

So what changed:

Apple in 2022 with the release of iOS 16 has solved my problem of sharing the whole photo library with my wife. This has been a hassle for two decades, where I had to have to keep this job on the side of the photo library manager and boy was I not good at it. Once I lost about 4 photos from one of our children in a digital debacle (even though I had other backups) but out of a couple hundred I missed four. And I hated that job and a couple of times a year I had to answer the question, where can I get a picture of X Y and Z. A few years back I had a workaround in place. Google Photo Backup. That thing allowed me to share all our photos with my wife, free of charge, with a limited resolution that was most of the times ok enough. But she could not edit it or had to download it and store it herself etc.

Apple is an example of a company that had done many things more than ok. It solved so many hassles and introduced a couple. Given time it is getting more and more in the way it should have worked a decade or more ago. Some things at apple take less than a decade and thank you for this. Like the weather app on the iPad and others. And now finally this year is where I can put my side job to the side and .... Well most probably nothing much will change, as it is still much easier to delegate than to do it yourself and I'll be the recipient of please fetch me a picture of X Y and Z orders ;))).

One thing with apple is that many times like now, you get a glimpse of a feature, that you don't really understand yet but it serves a craving that you have and your imagination or in your imagination they solved it, nailed it, did it, it's done, but in reality that has proven not to be the case. So hold your horses and most probably another two years will do the trick, if the world has not moved on to something else, we'll receive the feature in a way that will work for me.

Going to get interesting when she starts deleting some of my photos, our libraries diverged about 6 years ago when we started to use camera phones more and more often than the digital cameras that we store in the cellar. Oh by the way I haven't shot a blurry photo for years, which was the number one issue I had. And the photos that I shoot with my current phone are good, but still not what my Nikon did with the lens we used, that will take another few years and the telephoto shots are around the next decade or so.

So is life too short?

I personally think not, but my brain sometimes/often thinks yes, as we can imagine quite a lot that in the real world is always just around the corner but in the end it takes a couple of decades, half a century or will never be true. The older I get I wish that we could actually have tricorder and fix a lot of stuff, but for now we still have to rely on experts of experts, as it many times takes more than one expert to actually diagnose you correctly, or so it seems and we experienced a few times lately. You are just lucky that I only work with computers and even there in non critical life threatening situations.

draw.io: I wish I had found out this before: Triangle flat at the bottom with horizontal text as you'd expect

 Oh, my god.

I love draw.io. It's magnificent. Kind a like my love for freemind, that deteriorated after a few years of usage ;(

It is superb, but the user interface makes it damn complicated to achieve what I want. I fail many many times to do the correct thing and give up, doing some kind of workaround. Also getting a lot of times frustrated that it is not easier to use for my purposes (default settings chaning, libraries not loading, rounded corners not really ok for me, color selection to damn hard for me and many many more things)

But one thing that bothered me a lot is the triangle shape.

By default it is laying on its side with the horizontal text. And I definitely spent way too much time trying to find out how I can just rotate the shape and use it with the flat side on the bottom and having the text horizontally left to right. 

I failed every time and always just added another text field and grouped the shapes together. But today I was on the verge to open an issue as I was fed up with this thing, as for me a triangle is supposed to be from the start flat at the bottom with text going horizontally from left to right and I attempted to modify the shape without success.

So I started to actually open a feature request, or lets say I was on the verge of opening, spending already 10 minutes formulating the proper text on their github site. And since I am growing older and don't want to look stupid every so often by asking stupind questions, either by some mistery no one else would have the same issue or when I try to explain the issue to someone it actually works during my demonstration, so I do it again and yes it does the murky thing when rotating the object that the text is vertical and if you press the vertical button it is horizontal but upside down ;(

Ok, before continuing I think I have to go into the properties of the shape, as they have a gazillion properties that I really do not understand and do not find out what they all mean, I mean, I have been following them and going through the trainings available and the snippets on the their blog, but I still don't know (almost) nothing, so I go to them and I find one setting, it was the eighth from the top, my bad, and it says direction. First I was unsuccessful, as I had rotated the traingle manually into the position I wanted but then I started with a fresh triangle and selected north. It is now what I want it to be, done.

And just to be sure I then also changed the direction on the previous triangles and rotated them back and voila. Everything as it should be. Possible spent a few hours just and my brain hurt a lot because I just could not understand why they not just added a simple triangle with the flat side on the bottom in the gallery for me to use and life would have been good.

So if someone else is having trouble just use the standard shape and change the direction to north and you're good to go.

PS: My brain does not yet give up completely. It's nagging me to open a b..... feature request for them to just add that triangle to same me a lot of hassle in the future, as nearly all my triangles are always bottom flat.

Draw.io or whatever they wanna call it today for whatever reasons rocks, is an absolut marvel, but damn hard to use for certain things, that you have been doing with other software for years without thinking. 


SD-WAN: Adding a second internet connection with a Mobile to Ethernet Gateway using an iPhone and a Raspberry Pi !! IOS 14.x not working !!

I was looking for a way to test SD-WAN and wanted to use my 2nd SIM card for this purpose.

The Guide from here worked for me for both Android and iPhone (OS 12.4, 13.x)


and then you need to configure raspi to serve this connection via ethernet, same post; comment from bicly (but I put the iptables into rc.local)

- assign fixed IP on ethernet
- DHCP server via dnsmasq
- NAT connections on port (usb0 for android, eth1 for iphone)

Android Mobile Phone

- Connect Phone via USB Cable to the Raspberry Pi
- Under settings enable USB tethering
        - This step has to be re-done after every reboot of the raspberry pi or usb cable reconnection
- Raspberry Pi preparation according to first article and 2nd article


tradfri: Two controllers per room now possible

For the longest time the tradfri gateway was unstable and had to be rebooted quite frequently. Hopefully the new update is going to solve this.

And it brought one function that I like which is that you can have 2 controller per room. 

I do not understand why you cannot use and build any controller scenario, must have something to do with the protocol?

Use Case:
Control multiple light bulbs via motion controller, on/off switch and dimmer.


Mind Mapping hell - alternative https://www.freeplane.org/wiki/index.php/Home

After many years using freemind and then switching to iThoughs, the landscape has changed again.

Most important is that a software like draw.io will win but it lacks some crucial features.

Mind mapping software should support you in your work and be able to process any kind of information and display in many ways.

Most fail at some basic items.

Currently trying out:



Word: Copy only highlighted lines from a document

Many times you have to highlight some parts of a document and then you might want to copy only the highlighted passages or full lines to somewhere else. - Use Advanced Find (CTRL-H) - Format -> Highlight - Find in -> Main Document - Right click one of the highlighted passages or lines (be very careful not to click somewhere else, otherwise you have to repeatthe previous step. and select Copy. Now you have only these in the clipboard and can be pasted where supported.

Word 2013: How to demote multiple entries and subentries?

Use Navigation pane and then right click and demote. If you use the increase indent icon then it will only do the change on a single entry.


Fortinet: Forticloud logging issue with different providers. They should provide an alternative upload or pull mechanism.

Forticloud is a cool concept and is something I like to make use of, except that Fortinet seems to have issue with a few scenarios where you think you should not run into any issue. Internet access seems to be unblocked. Forticloud can actually manage your device and you'll see cpu and memory usage. No logs appear in the cloud. I have spent considerable amount of time troubleshooting this issue and have not found the root cause, the IPS says they do not filter, our 1st level cisco router does NAT and ZONE based firewalling with an any allow rule outbound. Have not been able to completely understand the process, there are a few commands that I learned while with support but how these different servers interact and which protocols must work is still unclear. BTW: ICMP and TCP connections work. There is a blog article from Boll Engineering: https://blog.boll.ch/?p=2364 That talks about that a new default setting of a providers business internet filters out tcp/514 as it is thought of rsh. Fortinet should include an alternative way for this situation, as it seems to be more common. Either a pull, or push (maybe over the management connection), maybe hiding behind tcp/443.


Fortinet: How can you view the decrypted passwords in a config? (Open)

Once in a while you configure a device with some passwords for HA, pre-shared keys and more and you did not correctly apply the passwords that you did generate before actually configuring the device. But it's running and then you need to know what it is. With Fortinet I do not understand how to view the configuration with the passwords in clear. With Cisco you can just run a more startup-config (with either flash:/ or disk:/ prefix).



macOS: On-Screen Keyboard. Gone is the viewer, it's directly in the input sources within system preferences

There is no separate viewer, but you have to use the system preferences pane - keyboard - input sources and you'll see a live representation of the layout!

no more keyboard viewer and I actually like that.

Citrix Receiver: Keyboard layout issue with ICA then RDP from macOS

I could not really work with SSL VPN and Citrix Receiver and connect to multiple machines. The keyboard mapping was always incorrect (usually not on the first system, but on the RDP'd to machines).
- Install Citrix Receiver
- Make modifications to /Users/<Username>/Library/Application Support/Citrix/Citrix Receiver/config

** if you connect first and then change this setting the established sessions will not use the updated setting, in my expierence I had to terminate all my sessions (multiple possible) on the terminal servers **

- Start Receiver
- Connect to Desktop or RDP published app
- Connect to destination computer

Keyboard mapping should still work.

(But there are many different kind of issues, that I have not yet described. On iPad it is even worse as I have not found out a fix for something alike.)

The fix is described in:

Config File location:
/Users/Username/Library/Application Support/Citrix/Citrix Receiver/config

Set the  KeyboardLayout setting to your language such as:

“(Server Default)”
“Albanian” “Belarusian”
“Belgian Dutch”
“Belgian French”
“Brazilian (ABNT)”
“Bulgarian (Latin)”
“Canadian English (Multilingual)”
“Canadian French (Multilingual)”
“Canadian French”
“Czech (QWERTY)”
“German (IBM)”
“Greek (220) Latin”
“Greek (220)”
“Greek (319) Latin”
“Greek (319)”
“Greek Latin”
“Hungarian 101-Key”
“Italian (142)”
“Japanese (client and server IME)”
“Japanese (client IME only)”
“Japanese (server IME only)”
“Korean” “Latin American”
“Latvian (QWERTY)”
“Polish (214)”
“Polish (Programmers)”
“Russian (Typewriter)”
“Serbian (Cyrillic)”
“Serbian (Latin)”
“Slovak (QWERTY)”
“Spanish Variation”
“Swiss French”
“Swiss German”
“Turkish (F)”
“Turkish (Q)”
“United Kingdom”
“US-Dvorak for Right hand”
“US-Dvorak for left hand”

I modified the config file and it works like a charm.

KeyboardLayout=Swiss German

Make sure you log out from the previously started session, disconnect is not going to do the trick. Then it will work.


Apple pencil issues: especially in notes

Now, they fixed the pen, but the tilting seems to be less responsive? WTH.

Ok, the pen was the real issue.

Now another major issue is to be able to draw over photos, to draw over text, to convert pen input into text........

Go work on it.


Apple, Apple, Apple, oh boy they finally fixed the pen!!!! 10.1 to the rescue?

Come on. There are so many small items that make the iPad Pro a pain and one big part was that iOS on iPad Pro 12.9" and the apple pencil did not really work and make sense.

I think I posted it before:

- to much latency
- tilting does not react fast enough or fine enough

And worst of all

- pen in notes modifies input, i.e. Removes many small details with an adapted line. Your handwritten text looks ugly!!! the only one working was pencil, but that you could not have a more solid pencil color, but very grayish, i.e. Unreadable if not applying a lot of pressure!

I just noticed now that in 10.1 the pen works and the strokes seem to be as you actually put it!!

Thanks a lot. But it took you too long. As with other issues. Apple you need to act faster and be more forthcomming on issues.

I still don't know where to report my 100+ issues and get quality feedback. But most often I'm not the only one and many items do seem to be important to other users as well.


Outdated!!iOS: Modify Video and Photo Date/Time and Location. Don't waste your time and hand over some money to Organizer (Genady Okrain)

Since I'm trying to work only with iOS many tasks are just way to complicated and for some there is no solution.

Especially Photos and Videos in the iOS Photos App or in the browser based version lack a lot of features.

So you have had a few hundred gigabytes of camcorder tapes and recorded them onto disk but did not convert them?

Had to go back to a MAC and use iMovie to convert to mp4. That was done.

(I did not want to spend time and convert the movies on the iPhone or iPad, maybe I'm going to attempt that in the future, but I did not think I could attach my 3.5" USB 2 external drive to the device and directly access and convert ;))

Now I use mac os sierra and everything is on icloud, so the movies got to be uploaded to icloud drive, desktop folder (I know I'm ashamed of it but even I use sometimes the desktop).

Then I opened on the iPad the icloud Drive and files and saved video. This took a crazy amount of time. (The iCloud Drive is far from perfect, and gives no real update or status on what it is doing).

Now on iCloud Photo Library the movies did not have the name of the file, i.e. date missing. (I did not find out on how to add the date with iMovie in the first place!).

After two hours of searching and testing for some application I found an iOS App from Genady Okrain, that works with Photos and Videos. I took too much effort to find it, but it works. So I went ahead and tipped him $1 and I wish others follow too.

I wish others don't have to spend so much time searching for an app that simply does what one needs, which is modify date/time and location.

The app is clever, i.e. after I selected only a single video and applied some location to it. I thought that I have to repeat the process for each other movie. But alas, there is a search icon and it lists the last one used!!! Time saver again.

Now let's see if I can modify the few hundred files. There will be even more after I found out how to split the 1 hour tapes, that I could not detect scenes into smaller clips.


Prevent Spotlight from Indexing


Just use spotlight settings and add the external disk that you don't want it to index.

If you have a couple of Terabyte external disk drives and you don't want to waste hours of indexing that you don't require. Disable it.

Battery Health of an iOS Device - coconutBattery - requires macOS


Mac: If you really need to see who's using your disk including file details

sudo fs_usage -f filesys


Photos: Google Photos against Apple Photos: Black and White - Apple does not return results whereas Google does!

Now all the apps have become intelligent.

Most often I don't know exactly what I'm looking for but I need to search for certain criteria to help me find my stuff.

One of the examples that I always would benefit from is:

Keyword search

Black and White

Google really shows pictures that are related, some color pictures with black and white in it, some only black and white, some faded colored ones. Very Good.

Apple no results ;(((


Google shows a couple of photos that have some type of old equipment in it and vintage furniture and some of PROXIM Access Points that I would not have called vintage per se. Quite ok.

Apple no results again ;((((

Face recognition

Google is far superior, matching many more than Apple. It even matches old vintage photos of my father in law as a child!

Apple is somewhat ok, better than it used to be but way to manual and it took me 100+ attempts to add and merge people into one ;((((

Photos: Google Photos against Apple Photos: Black and White - Apple does not return results whereas Google does!

Now all the apps have become intelligent.

Most often I don't know exactly what I'm looking for but I need to search for certain criteria to help me find my stuff.

One of the examples that I always would benefit from is:

Keyword search

Black and White

Google really shows pictures that are related, some color pictures with black and white in it, some only black and white, some faded colored ones. Very Good.

Apple no results ;(((


Google shows a couple of photos that have some type of old equipment in it and vintage furniture and some of PROXIM Access Points that I would not have called vintage per se. Quite ok.

Apple no results again ;((((

Face recognition

Google is far superior, matching many more than Apple. It even matches old vintage photos of my father in law as a child!

Apple is somewhat ok, better than it used to be but way to manual and it took me 100+ attempts to add and merge people into one ;((((


iPad Pro 12.9": Citrix Receiver 7.0.2 released,

Citrix has released a new version of Citrix Receiver and it really looks like they have addressed some issues.

 - SHIFT+Click, CTRL+Click

So far I have only been able to confirm that with the X1 I actually can make use of SHIFT+Click (rubberband selection) or CTRL+Click (distinct item selection).

The SHIFT+Click does not work in all circumstances, had to attempt it twice multiple times, but hey it's there and works.

- Error 51 

seems to be gone as well.

Working daily only with the iPad and Citrix is today a real pain.

But the really bad things are:

1- bluetooth keyboard input lost many times during the day when switching between iOS apps

The keyboard itself works, i.e. I can switch CMD+TAB between iOS apps.

Workaround: The best way to get it working again is to click in the Citrix toolbar the Home button and then select Open on the same published app again.

2- multi-key presses ALT-TAB/CTRL-C/-V/-Z/-A don't work reliably

Very annoying and frustrating. Used hundred times during the day and the behavior is not always the same and in most cases does not work correctly. E.g. In OneNote to select a full note you have to CTRL-A three times and it sometimes works and sometimes after the first attempt it removes the selection with "a". Many times I give up.

3- Citrix X1 mouse cursor lost

Without the mouse I could not work, but I also need the black icon and not only the remote cursor. The remote cursor has to high a delay for me to work with. But many times during the day I loose the black cursor.

Workaround: Use Home and under the options disable and enable X1 mouse again

4- Screen resolution

Even though they confirmed that we will be able to use the native resolution of the iPad, we still cannot make it work. And even with 1600x1400 the iPad says it goes to 85% to display the full content, so It is not really 1600x1400 on the iPad.

No workaround


Life after the computer: Holiday report: No photo sharing via mobil data and hotspot out of control (iOS 10)

Life after the computer: Holiday report: No photo sharing via mobil data and hotspot out of control (iOS 10)

Dear Apple,

Please fix iCloud Photo Library Sync (enable over Mobile Data if user really wants it).
Please allow me to control access through Hotspot or I don't know how I'm going to pay for the mobile data anymore.


Your iOS only customer.

iCloud Photo - No photo sync to iCloud library!!
Hotspot Data usage - 20 GB of data without photo sync within 7 days as opposed to 10GB with photos last year.
Hotspot sharing difficulty - family members still not auto connecting back, only my personal devices.

We went on holiday in Tuscany, Italy. Only equipped with iOS devices. The iPad pro as the main computer and the iPhone as my mobile device.

Now we shot a few hundred photos and some videos as usual, but this time it was no pleasure and I did not find a reasonable way to do things as in the past with OS X and my MacBook Air.

What do you want to do:

Take pictures and videos
Surf the internet
Download apps
Review Photos and Videos on the large screen, maybe edit and create albums.

The last item is the one that causes despair and makes me wish I had a OS X device with me.

  • Photos and Videos on iCloud Photo Library

This time while having iCloud Photo library enabled and iOS 10 installed I have not been able to sync the photos and videos to the cloud!

No way!

The pictures were taken on my iPhone where the data plan SIM is installed and I share to the rest of the family via Hotspot.

I did not find any option to get my photos to upload. I could not make use of the free wifi at different locations the speed was terrible, it never really worked. My 4G connections was fast where we stayed, around 20 Mbits up and down.

  1. Try to find an option that allows upload via Mobile Data. FAILED. Nothing found, not in iCloud or Photos or wherever. Failed to find information at Apple Support website.
  2. Try to use WLAN at location to upload a few photos at least. No chance, never actually got anything up. Once in Siena at a caffé I got a few KBs up but that was that. FAILED.
  3. Put the data SIM into my son's iPhone. Worked. Connect to his device via hotspot and try to upload. Did not work, not sure why, maybe it is because of my iOS 10, maybe it is because iOS knows that this is not Wifi? It told me at some point to connect to Wifi to upload again. FAILED.
  4. Disaster mode. Put the SIM into the Moto G 2015 and enable Tethering. FAILED. I never got anything but Edge. I could hardly browse on the phone itself and could definitely not upload anything.

There are some workarounds but I did not want to use them fully.

Photos, Shared - Sharing photos and videos works instantly, i.e. I see the photos and videos on the family sharing page. But I would not want to share all photos and videos like this and then import from there?

Sharing via other methods works as well, Google Photos, AirDrop .... Whatever works via Mobile Data.

This is probably the most devastating. Next to how am I going to pay for mobile data in 2017?

  • Hotspot Data usage

Last year we had a mobile data plan for 14€ for 10 GB in Croatia, which was used up in 7 days. This year I went for 29€ for 20 GB in Italy. 10€ for the SIM and 19€ for the data. This time we also used up the plan in 7 days.

2015 10 GB in 7 days
2016 20 GB in 7 days

But the most important difference is that last time a huge chunk was the photos app upload to iCloud Stream and then the download of it on the MacBook Air.

I tried to switch off iCloud Backup on all other devices, but they still used 17.5 GB whereas I only used 2.5. A single hour could use up to 1.5 GB, a day max was at 5 GB. So I was quite lucky that it lasted 7 days and not only 4 or less.

I need a way to limit what applications can use how much. I would prefer Apple devices to be able to limit the usage of Wifi or tethering, maybe also some priorization.

  • Hotspot connectivity

What has improved is that my own devices connect to the iPhone without issue (did not experience even the first time failures as usual), but for my family members it was as always. Every so often after some quiet period the devices were not connected anymore and I had to activate my telephone and was under the impression that they only got connected after going into the hotspot options in settings.


IPad Pro: Citrix Receiver 7.0.1 does not address any issue, not even error 51?

There is a new Citrix Receiver for iOS version, but it does not fix a single issue of mine. 

Not even the Error 51 it says it should. Also it mentions X1 SHIFT-CLICK or CTRL-CLICK but I don't know where they fixed it, as it does not work for me in the windows explorer or any other area that I need this.

I'm waiting desperately that Citrix Receiver will actually fix the following:

- rubber band selection (SHIFT+CLICK, SHIFT+CURSOR UP/DOWN), selective selection (CTRL+CLICK)

- native resolution support of the iPad Pro, currently only 1600x1200 with manually selecting the resolution, auto selection is much lower.

- multi key presses !!! 

Interested in:

Pen support, i.e. with the mouse you sometimes can kind of draw in onenote or other applications, not sure how and when it works. Most often press mouse button and draw. Now since there is an Apple Pencil Citrix receiver should support it only for mouse, click and drawing options but not to move the citrix receiver session around.


- copy/paste absolutely drives one mad, workaround of disabling the clipboard on the TS helps.
- Error 51
- Keyboard sometimes lost, workaround: switch between iOS apps can help but not always.
- X1 mouse cursor lost, workaround: switch between iOS apps, usually helps
- Keyboard layout changes, strange behavior but I usually get it to work, workaround: switch on the remote session to 2nd language


iPad Pro 12.9": The new corporate work horse? Part 1 of a series of snippets about life with a Pro.

Using an iPad Pro 12.9" as a laptop replacement

You would think that it is a terribly bad idea to use an iPad Pro for a real life replacement of a corporate laptop?

I think you are right.

But, the iPad pro has its own merits that compensate other shortcommings. But there are boat loads of missing features and you need to find many workarounds.

So how does the setup look like?

That's it.

iPad Pro 12.9" 128 GB SSD
Apple Magic Keyboard
Apple Pencil
Citrix X1 Mouse
iPod ;))

What is the number one thing wrong with the iPad?

Definitely a missing kickstand.

Almost in all situations you would immediately benefit from the ability to just place the iPad at multiple angles. Flat surface placement just does not satisfy my and other colleagues need. 
Why not use the smart Keyboard?

Why would I pay so much money for an inferior keyboard, a substandard stand and add a lot of weight that I don't want? 

Compared to the surface pro kickstand nothing compares, no lenovo, no acer. It is just incredible how good it can be positioned without carrying around cases or stands from simple upgright to almost flat down and it's stiff enough to type on the screen. I only wish they would come up with a clever way to use it also vertically. Many times I would want to put the iPad upgright.

There should be some clever guy and do a kickstarter project to design the perfect kickstand accessory for the iPad. Must be lightweight easily attachable and provide horizontal and vertical stand capability. I have seen the HP version of the kickstand and though I don't really like it maybe the solution is to add some kind of frame. Most importantly also should stick to surfaces and not be easily moved.

So what do I do?

I use the Apple pencil case for multiple positions and keep the iPad in position by placing the magic keyboard in front of it. I even can use the iPad on the airplane with only the keyboard securing the iPad against the front seat. I know it is stupid that there is no built-in kickstand, but hey, you have to make do.

Here is a picture of the iPad with the Apple pencil case in it's 2nd position.


iPad Pro: New Citrix receiver 7 for iOS is out

Update: my issues are not addressed with this version, but adds a new Error 51.

Ok. Here it is, the version that should get pros working much better hopefully.

As I see a lot of people using iPad Pros as the replacement for their laptops, Citrix Receiver has become much more important. Most of the issues with iOS force many people to go that way and then they detect that neither iOS nor Citrix Receiver really make everything work.

It's a compromise.

So hopefully we can use now the native iPad Pro resolution.

Going to write about the experience in general in one of the next blogs.

Go get it and test it!


4K Video Odyssey: How I thought I can easily upload and watch 4K Videoon youtube, boy was I wrong.

The Goal: Get the raw video as fast as possible onto youtube in 4K, simple, right?
The Gear: iPhone 6S Plus, iMac OS X 10.11.4, Samsung 65" 4K with Youtube app. 
The Geek: prehistoric experience, top notch can do everything, damn it's my job. 

Draft: Due to lack of time and because it took me more than 5 minutes, to be continued. 

Preliminary Conclusion:  Use iMovie - on iPhone or Mac OS X and upload to YouTube in 4K!   

Currently the only method to guarantee that you will get 4K Video on Youtube is to use iMovie on iPhone or Mac OS X. All my other attemps failed.   

 Warning: On the iPad in Youtube I only get a display of up to 1440p for my videos even though they are available at 4K! Again no idea how to easily verify what quality is available.   

Full Story:   

Finally you got a camera that can shoot video in 4K (not 60 Frames per second, but 4K isn't it?). You are already exited that you as the PRO get it done with the best gear in 5 minutes top. Deal. Let's do it.

Live is good.
Some background as to why you might ever want to do the same: Now after some time you think that either you want to see that great video in its full glory, or you want to convice the guest that the video you shot is absolutely marvelous and it's in 4K, right. 
The video is as crapy as the other videos 20 years ago, the technique of the operator has not improved and all the technical jumbo mumbo did not really help. Except that previously your and other viewers eyes were able to decide that it's crap and noisy and that was it and today everyone gets blurry vision and dizzyness ;)
Ok, so let's start. 
Video is 4K, 28seconds, 178.9 MB
1) iPhone - Photos - Share
Select Video, tap Share
first it takes about 2 minutes to process, then you can define parameters but only sd (2.1MB)or hd (16.1), that does not sound like 4k 
) iPhone - youtube - upload
Settings say max upload quality 1080p.
Funny how it does not show all my videos of iphoto?
1) iMac Photo Library - Share - FAILED
select video, tap Share ..... What no youtube??? FAILED
2) iMac Photo Library - Export - 1st option
select video, menu edit, export, choose 4K, folder Desktop, go ...............
........wait.......wait longer .............. While waiting go to attempt 3 as it is so long to wait only to get the video onto the desktop ;(
Coming back after Attempt 3 failed.
Use safari, goto youtube.com and upload video. (No option found that says anything about the resolution)
On TV select the video and 
3) iMac iMovie - 
Start iMovie, find a way to somehow share directly. FAILED.
Must start a project, find video ..... Wait ...... The icloud photo library takes time to show up, even slower than before, where it was just in iPhoto.
By this time Attempt 2 is still exporting!!   Select Video, click plus then select Share, Youtube.  Upload is quite fast, done. Switch on TV, Smart Hub, Select youtube and .. Oh I did not yet connect the youtube app to my account .... D .. Grab phone enter the thing and ok, it connects to my account. Start playing video -> what quality is this???? Definitely not 4K. No idea what resolution. Youtube on Samsung does not have an option to change quality? FAILED, for now, might take a look later again. We are already at 7 minutes in, not 5 as originally planned. go back to attempt 2


Windows 10: Default printer keeps changing, especially if you use webex!

If you wonder why Webex redirection is always the default printer on your Windows 10 Box, then go and switch off the setting, under printers and scanners, "Let Windows manage my default printer".

And you are all set.


Apple iOS 9.3.2 Battery drain: iPad Pro 12.9" Battery life shortened by 2 hours

Does 9.3.2 final version affect battery life?

For more than two weeks I'm using the iPad Pro 12.9" professionally, i.e. every day for my work, no more laptop.

But I can only work like that thanks to Citrix Receiver. So I was running 9.3.1 and then 9.3.2 Beta versions and have been at a training from 8pm to 6pm and I never had to charge the iPad Pro.

Now I upgraded to 9.3.2 Final and after 4 hours 50 minutes I'm down to 14% what is really strange is that two hours before I still had %57 percent. Also I was 50 minutes out for lunch.

Now the time is 15:26 and I only have 8% left. I won't make it to 6pm without charging.

Most probably this becomes the biggest issue now as you always have to worry about battery life as with your other devices. I'm writing a post about how to use the device at work and the battery life was  excellent. Now I have to revisit that chapter.

Most interesting will be to identify how much the brightness affects battery life, I usually need the device to be on 3 quarter of max or even a little bit brighter.


Google Local Guide Program: Boy am I late ** Topic should get updated **

You cannot imagine how late I'm into the game of Google Local Guides.

Most often I reviewed places in different programs and apps but I never really touched Google for much.

The quality of Apple and Google Maps is in my opinion terrible and has not dramatically improved.

But the Google Local Guide Program is fun.

- Add pictures
- Add reviews
- Answer questions

- Missing:

  • Most important rate reviews and Photos and if people like your reviews/photos allow them to show these comments first when searching.
    • But do not allow to track a person!
  • From iPhotos or Google Photos, directly attach a photo to a place. 
    • It takes so much time to go into maps and then select a photo from gallery.
    • Read the location of the photo show a map and suggest placement.
  • Picture editing features
    • Remove peoples faces
    • Remove people if multiple photos taken from the same scene
    • Remove window reflections
  • Picture information
    • Show pictures of the current time and season
    • Show pictures from other sources if public available
  • Show information crowdsourced in categories
  • Show reviews based on visitors or locals
  • Show reviews with a few categorizations
  • Map videos to locations
  • Enable OCR from pictures or text recognition for opening hours, really terrible to enter manually, takes way too long.
As always with the internet, the information might be there, too hard to find and use, 93% is redundant and of minor quality. Focus should be to reach a better data level quality.

  • As a bonus to some of the local guides, provide early access to camera rigs to capture the world around them.
  • I hate having to point my camera at everything:
    • need a bike mount /helmet mount
    • automatic synchronization of known locations with pictures
    • need a drone that follows me, slightly above shoulder height, and let me remotely trigger pictures.

Keeps you occupied for some time and then they probably let it die, like so many other good ideas?


Apple iCloud Photo Library Rants: Really bad if you have 80'000 photos and a 16GB iPad mini


  • iCloud Photo Library fills your 16GB iPad mini and renders it almost unusable.
  • During the first few hours your iPad might be sweating a lot and it feels like an original iPad 2
  • use Safari https://icloud.com (but request desktop site mandatory)
Plea to Apple:
  • Fix the Photos app not to fill out all the storage on the device, while allowing me to access everything but implement clever caching. Google Photos is quite clever and does not use more than 660 MB in my case.

I love i Cloud Photo Library and yes I would prefer to pay less for the 1TB Storage I subscribed to just recently.

The product is quite useful, except if you own a 16GB iPad mini and have a huge number of photos, videos etc. In my case 80'000.

After enabling it the iPad will, even with the optimized storage setting, fill all available space -15 MB.

Any kind of application that you try to install will not work (most of the applications are bigger than the 15 MB available).

Now you think you are clever and search frantically some applications to delete or delete data (which is cumbersome since some  iOS release removed the convenient delete data under the storage settings page), but heck the free space is immediately filled with more photos/videos. 15 MB is all I got and I get many times the low free space error message.

I gave up, I won't even try to find a solution. I removed iCloud Photo Library setting and use Google Photos, that I also use to back up all my photos. That one does not fill my iPad mini as fast and I can still make use of it.

Also I tried to make use Google Chrome (forcing request desktop site) and it seemed to work just nicely, but the tab on Chrome 50 crashes frequently.


Apple: Finally addressing iBooks in the right direction: iCloud iBook sync!

iBooks cloud support. Update: It does not look like they did much to help most of the users.

 Had not read anywhere about this functionality; even though some of my sources reported it.


But it could start to become the productivity tool and many schools and businesses could start benefiting from it.

iBooks was a pain and still is a pain. No extensions allow to make better use of the pdfs and other free epubs available.

Now today, I just found out that iBooks offers me to upload my pdfs and epubs into iCloud. This is grand and if they allow me to modify my stuff with pdf editors then I'm in heaven. (Looks like it's too soon.)


Apple: Home Sharing: iOS 9.2 - don't loose as much time as I did and add a single song to the iPhone/iPod/iPad and it works

You got a family at home and a central iMac where you store all your music?

I also make use of an Apple TV and since we all are now on iOS 9.2, except the old iPods we could never actually use the home sharing feature for music.

Not me on my iPhone 6S Plus not on the older phones etc. Never did I find the option to actually play something over home sharing. Apple TV always worked.

I spent too much time addressing the issue and hope that you won't.

Load a single song or album onto the device and then you can select the home share option and you're good to go.


Home Sharing option is then at the bottom as shown by Appleinsider on the right side of the picture.


iPhone 6S Plus: A Word of Caution!!! Jeans Gate Update(2016-08-15)

Update (2016-08-15): Having the phone exchanged again it seems now with this one not to be an issue. Two weeks after the exchange I do not yet have any dots. Maybe someone figured out at Apple and fixed the issue or it was a built quality issue.

Update: After exchanging the phone I did not wear jeans for at least 2 weeks and I did not have any spots. Then I slowly started to wear Jeans again and the dots appeared as well. I thought I keep it for some time, but then I dropped the phone into a kitchen sink and my phone had to be replaced again. Strange was that the phone does not seem to be water resistant. The water first affected the mute switch and only after some time entered the display area, i.e. half dark but after 2 days it was completely cured.

Since 2008, I use an iPhone every day as my primary phone and had to replace the phone multiple times.

  • four times I broke the phone until the iPhone 5 came out where it actually survived my treatements without being destroyed.
  • But it failed me multiple times and was replaced as such during warranty. Front Camera, Back Camera and twice the display turned yellow!!
As you can see I never was really bothered by
  • the Bend Gate; I just did not purchase the phone, 
  • or the Antenna Gate; somehow it did not affect me.
But now I had to exchange my iPhone 6S Plus already twice within 10 days because it has amassed spots on the display.

I thought it could be pixel issues, but they don't look like typical pixel issues.

What worries me is if it is really only because I keep the phone in my front pocket of my jeans and that causes the issue. How am I going to tell every other week a guy in the apple store that I really do want a phone without the spots?

The phone cost a fortune and it fails by design?

I thought of giving it back and wait for the next release but I really don't want to go back to an iPhone 5.

Hope there is a solution, which does not mean you have to put it into a case, maybe even a great case from liveproof.

I'm worried and I hope I am not the only one facing this issue.


Apple Magic Keyboard:Wow! and it even works with my plain vanilla windows machine


Since I saw the pictures from a mock-up on some site, I was waiting to get a new keyboard. I really like the new keyboard on the Mac Book 12".

Now it's here and it is just great.

Ok, now here's the real deal:

  • Typing is great
  • Lithium battery is great
  • Lightning cable port is great
  • And it works with iPhone, iPad, iMac, Mac Book, Windows machines
  • And it will work using the lightning cable in wired mode!

Now the downsides:

  • It does not pair with multiple devices, like all the new logitech devices do. You really have to un-pair and re-pair (funny word) when switching between devices.
    • Worst of all I have not found out on how to un-pair when I forgot to remove the pairing at home and then trying to pair in the office!
  • The battery is probably not lasting long enough, so at one point the keyboard will be dead. But I could keep on working using the cable, which is kind of lame.
  • Where are the colors, I really would have loved the space grey or golden variant.
  • Price, the thing will set you back $100 dollars or more. Let's hope it was worth it.


Office Suites: Office must, iCloud nice, Google worries me *Will be updated*

Office Suites
  1. Microsoft Office suite, including SharePoint 2013 storage and web view/edit - using daily
  2. Apple iCloud Office suite - using sporadically
  3. Google Office suite - almost never
  4. Sharepoint Lists - never again
  5. OpenOffice - not used since ages (since I got my free MS office for MAC)


On daily basis I have to work with some form of Office Suite and yes the only one that I must use is Microsoft Office.

For more than 20 years I fight with the office suites and they still cannot do what I want them to do for me. Store data centrally and use whatever component that handles my requirement best and put all together in a publishing form. Done.

Have you ever tried to do a table in Word, OneNote, Excel and in a SharePoint List and tried to modify it in each program and reimport or link the object?

Daily catastrophe.

If they only would finally come to the year 2015 in terms of what's going around you. But they don't and so in 2015 I only get Office 2016 which will finally allow multiple people working on Excel and not only in SharePoint view. (Ever tried working with 10 people in the Excel web view and a single person changes the filter? Or freeze panes, anyone?)

Some Office Suite details

MS Office 2013 and Sharepoint 2013 are hard to beat, but Sharepoint was still kind a basic and you would need a lot of customization for it to get working as it should.

Biggest problem for me today is that you cannot have multiple lists based on an .xlsx Sheet that multiple people can edit.

Rant Again: Something that I think is a must and I cannot wait any longer that someone finally does central data with modular functionality (almost a daily complaint of mine (Apple almost got it right for some, i.e. allow the same data be accessed by many applications or extensions, that is the killer feature but not completely implemented))

Apple Office Suite is nice and good looking but hard for me to achieve most of the common tasks. And keynote is really bad when it comes to powerpoint file viewing/editing.

Google Office Suite has improved since they have offline usage and implemented a lot of features, but even harder to work with today.

Open Office has not improved that dramatically as it should and still crashes too many times. Not as good as MS Office.

Update 2015-09-25

Purchased an Office 365 Home Subscription for $55, but I paid with my supermarket points!

I did use Office 2011 on Mac and Office 2013 on Windows, but I really am interested in Office 2016 for both and my PC.

Cloud Storage: 1TB nothing less, best offers of today. Will be updated.

Cloud Storage

Purchase status: None

Best offers 1TB (yearly price) - deals found on the internet

$ 25 Microsoft Office 365 Personal
$ 55 Microsoft Office 365 Home (actually 5 TB because 5 users with each 1TB), but it does not count.
($ 60 Amazon) seems not to work with my account comes in at $ 400.
$ 100 Dropbox
$ 100 Copy.com
$ 120 Google
$ 120 iCloud (2015-09-18)

What are my preferred Vendors

Apple iCloud
Google Drive

I have to use both as I use multiple products of each company. Apple I only would consider because of the Photos Library. But I learned how to live without it. I use Google Photos free cloud storage of unlimited photos and videos if I need access on the road.

Runner up: Microsoft OneDrive.  In the last few months they gain momentum. Office Mix, Snip, OneNote. Free, as in you pay for storage, for the best office suite for me.

Why I would need it

Photos and Videos - 500 GB Photos library, photos and videos, increasing growth
Books - 10 GB PDFs and ePubs
Documents - 10 GB of Documents (.docx, .xlsx., .pptx, .mm, .pdf)
Presentations - 10 GB of Presentations (Cisco Live, Microsoft TechEd, Citrix, VmWare ....)
Music - 10 GB of iTunes Library
(2 TB of movies and videos) today not considered cloud material, although Google Photos once did upload them all! And stored them at no cost!

What you get

Microsoft seems to be the coming back. Surface Pro 3, currently the best affordable all in one Computer (touch, pen, software). Office is still mandatory and the 2013 and 2016 are getting better all the time. OneNote will rule them all, if Microsoft keeps up the feature updates. Evernote will be gone. (Apple is not really committed to improve Notes drastically).

My current view is that you get the cheapest storage (not performance or availability considered) and then you get for free the full Office Suite with automatic updates and if you are like me and don't really have mobile subscription that covers all my telephony expenses then the Skype minutes look also very promising (although I'm a big time user on FaceTime audio). But I will always end up using my 500GB high speed unlimited Internet by day 10 of the month or so, and the Internet calls are not fun anymore afterwards. So Skype does not really count and I still despise the ring tone and the software in general.


iCloud, the price will go down to $120 per year, but as of today I still only see the $240 option.

For me it is still to expensive. The price point to go for it would be around $60 per year but only if Photo Library sync is included.

Today's workaround

Photos and Videos

reasons to use cloud: Immediately sync photos of devices, have access anywhere (web or clients)
  • fully cloud enabled using the following: Google Photos
  • mainly taken with iPhones
  • synced for free to PhotoStream
  • on an iMac synced to Google Photos for free

reasons to use cloud: quickly check some facts or re-read some parts in books, get a new book on the go

  • partially cloud enabled using iCloud drive and Gdrive.
  • books must be DRM free (or Adobe ID), never Kindle, rarely iBooks
  • books should be PDF or ePub
  • manage all books with Calibre ((except Adobe ID), but would prefer iBooks on steroids)
  • keep Calibre library partially on cloud drive, or partially on Gdrive (would prefer to have all)
  • use Calibre server to access books in house (could use VPN to Home to connect but currently not in use)
  • import books from iCloud drive or Gdrive into iBooks then delete individually again.


reasons to use cloud: Family of 6 (more than 10 devices) that all want their Music everywhere

  • fully cloud enabled using Google Music.
  • Store all music on family iMac using the family account. 
  • Use Google Music uploader to sync all content to family account on Google Music.
  • When to many devices registered try to clear all and start over or use a 2nd account for some members of the family, duplicating music. (manually, clear with Google worked last time, let's hope not to many device changes and that my younger family members don't need access)
All music service seem to neglect on purpose a family of 6 or more that have many devices, at least 15 devices from iPod, iPod touch, Samsung, iPhones from 4S to 6. All the legacy phones are gone, everyone has a smartphone for better or worse. Then one computer for each and multiple for some.

Documents and Presentations

reasons to use cloud: access from everywhere to anything

  • no workaround implemented. Some on OneDrive, some on iCloud Drive, some on Gdrive, some linked in OneNote to their original place on the internet.
  • OneNote is dangerous, could be a game changer, especially the clippy (Clip to OneNote Full page or article)

same reasons as always.

Google Photos could become an alternative, by mistake I set the wrong folder to upload and I had x number of full length movies in the cloud not counting against storage limitations of Gdrive. Not sure why or what happened. Removed them all, but might reconsider when going on holiday or so.

Purchase history

$48 200 GB iCloud, but I cancelled it after only 5 months

Update history

2015-09-11 online list
2015-09-19 Apple reduced prices





My personal Top 5 Apple PAIN point list (will be continuously updated)

Top 5

  • iBooks, PDF and ePub sync (other programs are not a real alternative)
  • Sync issues with iBooks/iTunes/iCloud passwords and bookmarks (many times lost data)

Full List


  • Password and bookmark sync does not show if the data is outdated and too many times changes are overwritten, no way to solve these conflicts


  • Tabs help but the interface needs an overhaul.
  • File copying, do not try to transfer all files at once!

Apple Maps -> still cannot use and definitely do not trust (Google Maps and Here, but both are also not really trustworthy)

Apple MacBook/MacBookAir

  • Touch
  • Better window management, expose is not good enough
  • Allow for browser tabs to be moved though and selected with CMD+TAB

iPhone, iPad

  • iBooks, 
    • Big images of books
    • sync my PDFs and books through iCloud drive
    • manage large collection of PDFs, automatic tagging, multi-level folders
    • edit PDFs, 
    • let other programs access the PDFs, 
    • actually all other parts are accessible through iCloud but not ePub and PDFs



Apple Rant #25b - Apple got it all wrong, yes?

Many things Apple just presented seem to be great and another round of big achievements, but honestly they miss out where we should be moving.

Office on iPad Pro, what a ... nice thing. Nobody really solved the input UI of the future and office just looks plain 2015ish. Actually it looks more like what in 2003 a table PC was capable of (oh my I forgot that brand I used to play around with).

No one has solved the issue, not even Windows 10 Tablet mode. The different applications do not really make us fast and fluid, efficient finger and pen users.

The iPad pro will need to be tested, but the software is already lacking. Yes, some specific applications are extremely tuned but the overall daily live usage is not given. 

Having spent years using tablet PCs and iPads, I think the greatest invention of all is the surface 3 pro kickstand. If I need a button on the pen that automatically opens onenote, yes, definitely. 

I do not believe that the notes app will do the trick. Onenote is currently the app to go. Windows Journal being long a zombie. No real improvements for the last few years.

Again I really despise having to hold my iPad and the official cover that you can fold, is really not good.

Surface Pro 3 kickstand glued to an iPad Pro and you got me. Maybe something for logitech?

Apple TV new tvOS, oh my I hate it already that I have to move from box to box. Why not fluid movements and free moving around instead of going cursor like up and down? Logitech had created a mouse that I could swing around many years ago.

Also if you got a phone why would I need to add a very expensive 32GB storage Apple TV? I could live with a 30$ dongle that needs my iPhone as it's engine and I could hook in other players as well, no?

The real challenge that Apple should address is iBooks!

I still cannot edit PDFs, cannot open them in another application, organize in many levels of folders ....

Same goes for unified data storage, i.e. all data is there, the applications just present it to you, i.e. you start typing and the word processing engine shows it to you, but why not let the mind map application show it to you visually different, each application can enrich the data but all applications work on the same data? They add their own meta data, but the applications that don't understand it just display what they can and even allow to modify for what they were built for. Such as a syntax editor display the text in pure text. open it in html editor with full css and other styles, then open it in mind map to quickly navigate and then use powerpoint outline mode to move around add some pictures, videos etc. then continue working with it with movie maker, then over to some visio, then modify in corel draw ....


Windows 10: Is your windows explorer loading your files slow as hell with a green bar in Windows 10? To hell with it.

You cannot believe how many months I did nothing to solve this issue.

I use my downloads folder as the sole repository for everything, I'm a big fan of this and I was getting absolutely horrible performance on my more than adequately equipped machine.

Every time you open the downloads folder, with my default selected option to sort by date descending, windows showed me the folder but with the default sort and then after about 2 seconds a green bar appeared where the path is displayed and it could take up to 20 seconds for the correct sorted files to appear.

Since there are so many other unsolved mysteries and I only made use of this folder about 20 times a day I just let it pass.

But thanks to this blog article I was able to finally get rid of it and it feels absolutely refreshing. What a relieve !


Use Windows Explorer, go to the real folder, not some links or favorite entries and then click properties, where you see customize, then select general items and select all subfolders option. Click OK. And it's history.